Shairport service not discoverable within same subnet

Since my recent upgrade to Turris OS 5 with my omnia, I’ve been having issues with shairport (AirPlay) in my home setup.

Is there any mDNS issue or setting I need to look at to allow broadcasts to happen between switches and AP that extend the signal?

I can typically only discover AirPlay devices that are close to a specific switch/AP and only when I switch Wi-Fi AP range, I can then see the other “belonging” air play devices. This limitation only happens with Linux based shairport enabled devices but not with Apple airplay ones (appletv/minipods/LG TVs).

Also if not mainly, when directly served by omnia’s Wi-FI to my iOS device which is seeking airplay devices, I can’t see the shairport at all. If I move the shairport device and connect it to another wired AP switch then it shows up only if the client is also close by to the same AP.

I’ve disabled Omnia’s WIFI. All works fine now. Thansk all for the precious input.

And are you so satisfied?

Hi Viktor, well not really but this workaround is at least allowing to send music to Moode player ( for the time being. Wish I could have identified the specific root cause, but with all my testing I could not go any further.
At some point I gave each AP (including Omnia) a different SSID and only when connected to the Omnia WIFI, I could not see the shairport resource.

Also tried to disable multicast snooping but no luck ([SOLVED] mDNS/Avahi/Zeroconf on bridges (e.g. br-lan)).

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