Set up a way to share files locally


Very noob here…

I got the “regular” turris omnia. I was wondering what is the easiest way to share files (locally)?
Trying to share files with local windows-computers.

So far I have not used any advanced features, only great speed :smiley:

I didn’t mangage to configure SAMBA properly, Turris “found” the USB-HD I had plugged In but that was it. Could not connect to it

Is it possible to configure SAMBA only using Luci? I’m not too experienced with linux as you may have guessed. I’m afraid to screw up my router.

Also I was thinking about setting up a FTP server on the turris, but guides I have seen so far has not been with external HDD.

Which one is the easiest? Can either of these be done with only Luci?

Yes I tried to search. Only found too complicated answers or irrelevant ones :frowning:
Maybe I’m way over my head with this advanced router :confused:

many thanks for answers!

yours truly


Also not able to get samba correct.

It is described in Czech or here on forum Samba USB Disk not showing in Windows 10 in english for older openwrt here But you could google it yourself. It could be all configured within luci.

For FTP server configuration is decribed here you have to ssh or telnet and configure it from command line or use midnight commander to modify scripts. After login to turris commandline by ssh or telnet install midnight commander by opkg install mc then you could use mc command to start Norton Like commander to edit files as it is easier than use Linux command line editors.

Be aware that for both cases you have to adjust you hdd path to your situation and modify commands and scripts according to your situation.

mc could be useful, unfortunately opkg doesn’t know it:

root@turris:~# opkg install mc
Unknown package ‘mc’.
Collected errors:

  • opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package mc.

Do opkg update first

Wonderful! That’s it! Thanks!