Sentinel View 1.0.0 Release Announcement

We released brand new Sentinel View just yesterday. This version was in development for over than year so we are happy to share the fact with community.

Main features:

  • responsive design
  • optimized data display
  • optimized and cached source data
  • My Device search

We hope you will smash erratically everything clickable to find bugs and errors and report them back.



Great job! Can you maybe explain a bit more what are “incidents”?

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works, but love to see this in Reforis :slight_smile: No more need to copy paste your sentinel data in the URL.


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Hi, @peci1
Each minipot action (whether on smtp, ftp, http, telnet protocol) or fwlogs portscan counts as an incident.

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My Devices → Week tab (at roughly 17:50 16.03.2022): it displays something different: x axe is labeled by hours in 2 hours increment (from 18:00 to 00:00), values of graph starting with “2022-03-09 18:00” with 3 hours interval (ending with 2022-03-11 00:00) which gives slightly more than one day… Tabs for Day, 12 Hours and Hour displays message “No data available from this period.” Tabs for Month, 3 Months and Year seem OK.

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Yes, it will be coming there, eventually. We recognize that it needs to be a part of reForis.

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It would be just as interesting to indicate changes to the dynamic firewall. It would be just as interesting to indicate changes to the dynamic firewall … at least the date and time of several last changes ( only last 24 hours ?)

Oh, and for the nOOb’s like myself , this is how you get your device nmbr ;
The token can be obtained using following command on console of Turris router:

uci get sentinel.main.device_token


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