Sentinel not running - sentinel-certgen reports: Server returned HTTP error: 502 Bad Gateway

I’ve tried installing packages for Sentinel. It went fine but after that in reforis the Sentinel State is reported always as failed.

In the system log there are the following errors reported:
May 22 11:12:32 turris sentinel: INFO [certgen.action_spec_init:100] Certificate file does not exist or is to be renewed. Re-certifying.
May 22 11:12:32 turris sentinel: ERROR [certgen.process_get:185] Server returned HTTP error: 502 Bad Gateway
May 22 11:12:32 turris sentinel: WARNING [certgen.start:338] Sleeping for 12 seconds before retry (try number 2)
May 22 11:12:44 turris sentinel: INFO [certgen.action_spec_init:100] Certificate file does not exist or is to be renewed. Re-certifying.
May 22 11:12:44 turris sentinel: ERROR [certgen.process_get:185] Server returned HTTP error: 502 Bad Gateway
May 22 11:12:44 turris sentinel: WARNING [certgen.start:338] Sleeping for 12 seconds before retry (try number 3)
May 22 11:12:56 turris sentinel: INFO [certgen.action_spec_init:100] Certificate file does not exist or is to be renewed. Re-certifying.
May 22 11:12:57 turris sentinel: ERROR [certgen.process_get:185] Server returned HTTP error: 502 Bad Gateway
May 22 11:12:57 turris sentinel: ERROR [certgen.start:332] Max tries (3) have been reached, exiting
May 22 09:12:57 turris procd: Instance sentinel-proxy::instance1 s in a crash loop 6 crashes, 26 seconds since last crash

Device info:
Device Turris Omnia
Serial number 47244660309
reForis version 1.1.2
Turris OS version 5.3.9

Kernel version 4.14.277

What can I do?

I run into the same error on TOS6.0 HBL. Already reported it here:

Now we need to wait for the move from Turris team as they have limited manpower.

What is interesting that I have other Omnia running 5.3.10 that had Sentinel before and the certs are already generated and it works.

router sentinel: INFO [certgen.action_spec_init:89] Valid certificate found

So it affects only new installs. 502 is most likely server problem.

Hey, thanks for reporting guys. We checked it and it was caused on recent updates, which we did on our servers. It should be working now.

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