Sentinel: ipset turris-sn-dynfw-block_v4 is full

Since about one hour ago I have started to see this kind of errors on my omnia.

Aug 26 18:47:07 turris kernel: [4763830.125048] Set turris-sn-dynfw-block_v4 is full, maxelem 65536 reached
Aug 26 18:47:59 turris kernel: [4763881.951678] Set turris-sn-dynfw-block_v4 is full, maxelem 65536 reached
Aug 26 18:48:18 turris kernel: [4763901.464858] Set turris-sn-dynfw-block_v4 is full, maxelem 65536 reached
Aug 26 18:49:30 turris kernel: [4763973.455229] Set turris-sn-dynfw-block_v4 is full, maxelem 65536 reached
Aug 26 18:49:45 turris kernel: [4763988.285029] Set turris-sn-dynfw-block_v4 is full, maxelem 65536 reached
Aug 26 18:50:30 turris kernel: [4764032.703117] Set turris-sn-dynfw-block_v4 is full, maxelem 65536 reached
Aug 26 18:50:47 turris kernel: [4764049.541701] Set turris-sn-dynfw-block_v4 is full, maxelem 65536 reached
Aug 26 18:50:49 turris kernel: [4764052.014215] Set turris-sn-dynfw-block_v4 is full, maxelem 65536 reached

ipset list shows the following:

Name: turris-sn-dynfw-block_v4
Type: hash:ip
Revision: 4
Header: family inet hashsize 32768 maxelem 65536
Size in memory: 1305188
References: 0
Number of entries: 65598

ipset list turris-sn-dynfw-block_v4 |wc -l


Maybe the sentinel list has older entries that can be purged?


I restarted the sentinel-dynfw-client and the ipset in question is no longer full :slight_smile:
I guess it become hung somehow…

sorry for the spam.

The ipset is full again, this is after reboot…

Aug 26 20:00:49 turris kernel: [ 336.182460] Set turris-sn-dynfw-block_v4 is full, maxelem 65536 reached
Aug 26 20:01:11 turris kernel: [ 357.739941] net_ratelimit: 99 callbacks suppressed
Aug 26 20:01:11 turris kernel: [ 357.739952] Set turris-sn-dynfw-block_v4 is full, maxelem 65536 reached
Aug 26 20:01:27 turris kernel: [ 373.578685] Set turris-sn-dynfw-block_v4 is full, maxelem 65536 reached
Aug 26 20:01:43 turris kernel: [ 389.666235] Set turris-sn-dynfw-block_v4 is full, maxelem 65536 reached
Aug 26 20:03:43 turris kernel: [ 510.133884] Set turris-sn-dynfw-block_v4 is full, maxelem 65536 reached

1 Like

Same here, but only on the MOX, not on the TO.

Interesting, here Dynamic Firewall | Sentinel View you can see that the current list contains 67969 entries, normally that is between 9 and 12K.

What does worry me is that no one is reacting from .cz? Since this is your FW.

The ipset gets filled very slowly, so it might look okay for a time, but will be full again later.

Until an official solution is available, here is a crude, quick and dirty workaround.


set -e
. "${0%/*}/"
. /lib/

MAXELEM=131072 # Double the default size of 65,536

# Always create IP set to prevent iptables error about missing ipset.
##ipset create "$IPSET"_v4 hash:ip family inet -exist
ipset create "$IPSET"_v4 hash:ip maxelem $MAXELEM family inet -exist
##ipset create "$IPSET"_v4 hash:ip family inet -exist
ipset create "$IPSET"_v6 hash:net maxelem $MAXELEM family inet6 -exist



Same shit here ! Mox at 7.0.2

Dynfw sentinel stats

Updated	Thu, 29 Aug 2024 07:17:35 GMT
Current list version / Serial	1724915855 / 61392

~75827 entries
1 Like

I’m seeing the same on a Turris Omnia running 7.0.2. I tried the maxelem $MAXELEM trick/hack - but then I got errors when IP addresses was to be added … so the ipset list was just empty. I had to revert to the default of 64K entries.

I just hope the migration to nftables will happen soon and that ipset can be moved over to an nft set as well. iptables/ipset does have quite some limitations.

Number of records in Dynamic Firewall | Sentinel View is increasing over and over:
Updated Sat, 31 Aug 2024 07:01:06 GMT
Current list: 82890

This is happening to me at my TO. I am from Czech republic.

Problem seems to be solved now.
Last entry in log is from 12:12.
Current size of list is 14112:

root@turris:~# ipset list | less
Name: turris-sn-dynfw-block_v4
Type: hash:ip
Revision: 5
Header: family inet hashsize 32768 maxelem 65536 bucketsize 12 initval 0x544b89b
Size in memory: 378340
References: 2
Number of entries: 14112

Yes, the problem has been solved. Negative delta messages (removals of addresses) were not generated correctly and some already-unblocked addresses remained in ipsets. This problem has been fixed and it should work now. We apologize for the problem. Furthermore, we are discussing to set a higher limit for the ipset (because it is possible to have larger sets even if everything works correctly).


Okay, thanks.

If you considering higher limits, here is some inspiration …

I count the records and calculate the new size for the ipset accordingly:

    # Count the number of entries in the blacklist file
    echo -n "Counting records ... "
    # shellcheck disable=SC2126
    ENTRY_COUNT=$(grep -v '^\s*$\|^\s*#' "$LOCAL_FILE" | wc -l)
    printf "%s records found\n" "$ENTRY_COUNT"

    # Calculate hashsize and maxelem
    echo -n "Calculating size ... "
    [ $HASH_SIZE -lt 1024 ] && HASH_SIZE=1024
    MAX_ELEM=$((ENTRY_COUNT + 1000))
    printf "a hash size of %s and an max lenght of %s is recommended.\n" "$HASH_SIZE" "$MAX_ELEM"

Unfortunately, you can’t change the size of an already existing ipset. You need to destroy it and create a new one.

But then, you can’t destroy it either, since the kernel has a lock on it,

So I create a new temporary ipset with the calculated size:

    # Create a temporary ipset
    echo -n "Creating a temporary ipset ... "
    ipset create "$TEMP_IPSET_NAME" hash:ip family inet \
        hashsize $HASH_SIZE maxelem $MAX_ELEM timeout $EXPIRE_SECONDS

Fill the temporary ipset using the restore command from file, since the conventional way using add one-by-one, takes hours to complete on a big set.

Which by the way. was the reason, why some user thought the problem was solved after a reboot, but then later reappeared.

    # Create a temporary file for ipset restore
    IPSET_TEMP_FILE=$(mktemp "/tmp/ipset-restore.XXXXXX")

    # Write ipset commands to the temporary file
        while IFS= read -r ip; do
            # Skip comments and empty lines
            case "$ip" in
            '' | \#*) continue ;;
            *) echo "add $TEMP_IPSET_NAME $ip" ;;
        done <"$LOCAL_FILE"

    # Restore the temporary ipset from the temporary file
    ipset restore <"$IPSET_TEMP_FILE"
    echo "Done."

Then you can swap, since that somehow works around the kernel lock:

    # Swap the temporary ipset with the original ipset
    echo -n "Swapping new temporary ipset with old one ... "
    ipset swap "$TEMP_IPSET_NAME" "$IPSET_NAME"
    echo "ipsets swapped."

Hope this helps. I did this accidentally just a few weeks ago, with some of the ideas contributed by Githuib Copilot. Sometimes he can really be helpful and creative, on other times, he just drags you down into a dark rabbit hole.


It seems the dynamic firewall list has been reduced on the service side, now it’s just below 15k.

As a quick-fix, run:

root@turris:~#  service sentinel-dynfw-client status

or do a reboot. That should fix it for now … until the list gets way too large again.