Sentinel fails to generate certificate

Hi there,

my new Turris Omnia fails to generate the certificate for Sentinel:

sentinel: ERROR [certgen.process_get:206] Get fail: Server responded with message: Provided signature is not valid

System information:

Device Turris Omnia
Serial number 62008678303
reForis version 1.1.2
Turris OS version 5.4.1
Turris OS branch HBS
Kernel version 4.14.290

Anything I might try to fix this error?

Hi @PET2001,
Thank you for using forum to share your concerns and welcome. While the problem is regarding HBS branch, which is the production branch, the appropriate way to solve the issue is to raise ticket to our support. Support - Turris Documentation

Hope it helps

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Same issue here, also for a device with SN starting with 6200. Perhaps it’s related to Sentinel Certgen error?

I’ve just sent an email to Support as @rhinoflip suggested.


I got a prompt response from support and the issue is now fixed.

Thanks a lot!

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