Safe shutdown (btrfs) - do you bother?

Just got a Turris Omnia, not had much opportunity to use it yet (waiting for FTTP to be installed). One thing that I noticed a lot of it is based around BTRFS, a proper ‘computer’ filesystem as opposed to whatever it is routers normally use.

So after some Googling I found you can run “halt” to shutdown the router (I assume gracefully).

Do people bother? I am so used to just unplugging and resetting routers at will but I am not sure how well BTRFS will take this!

I plug and unplug my TOs since the very beginning (Indiegogo in 2016) and never had any issue with that :upside_down_face:


It depends.

If you use the Storage plugin to save some persistent data to an SSD/flash drive, then it would make sense to power off gracefully.

But in the default setting, the system does not write to any files on the disk during normal operation (all often changing files are in RAM and are just temporary). This includes system logging etc. In this case, it should be pretty safe to just unplug power.

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Good point, I remember OpenWRT from when I used to use it a while ago used to pretty much run most services from RAM. Won’t be doing anything fancy with storage.

I’ll try and be good and halt it gracefully, but won’t worry if the power goes out etc.

Cheers all!