Resilio package for Omnia

Hello, is it possible run Resilio Sync on Omnia? And put Sync folder to external drive (Storage plugin)


simple search - What are your LXC usage

yes - at least via LXC

Isn’t it a good idea, from a security standpoint, to throw as much as possible into a container?
It works as advertised btw. Syncthing works too.

No need to wait for the storage plugin. Just mount some partition to /srv/ (mine is even encrypted, performance is sufficient for cloud sync)

so how? because i don’t think is the available package, or?

Linuxbabe got you covered:

so without LXC isnt possible or your guide is applicable to shell installation

You indeed need to create an LXC container with Ubuntu. Resilio probably works with the other distros too.

Ok, but without LXC isn’t possible, right?