Regresshion CVE-2024-6387

Howdy, just hoping to confirm that the patch 1 on 9.6 is sufficient for the regresshion vulnerability

$ sshd -V
OpenSSH_9.6p1, OpenSSL 1.1.1w  11 Sep 2023

At least that’s what Ubuntu’s mitigation has been:

• openssh: Update to 9.8p1 (Security update)

I think 9.6p1 is old one, from before the CVE was known publicly.

And indeed Turris OS 7.0.1 has OpenSSH 9.8p1

      ______                _         ____  _____
     /_  __/_  ____________(_)____   / __ \/ ___/
      / / / / / / ___/ ___/ / ___/  / / / /\__ 
     / / / /_/ / /  / /  / (__  )  / /_/ /___/ / 
    /_/  \__,_/_/  /_/  /_/____/   \____//____/  
 TurrisOS 7.0.1, Turris Omnia
root@turris:~# sshd -V
OpenSSH_9.8p1, OpenSSL 1.1.1w  11 Sep 2023

(Curious that it has the same 11 Sep 2023 date though)

OpenSSL 1.1.1w is now available, including bug and security fixes

Any idea when TOS 7.0.1 get released into HBS repos for installation, given the recent CVE? I updated today and it wasn’t available.

It was released today.

Brilliant I’ll monitor the automatic updates thankyou.

Interestingly HBS places a “delay” in front of updates placed in repositories:

user@turris:~$ sudo pkgupdate
WARN:There is a newer version available, but update is scheduled after another 273.5 hours. If you want the latest and greatest all the time, switch to one of the development branches.
INFO:Target Turris OS: 7.0.0

In the end I executed

user@turris:~$ sudo opkg update
user@turris:~$ sudo opkg upgrade openssh-server
user@turris:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/sshd restart
user@turris:~$ sshd -V
OpenSSH_9.8p1, OpenSSL 1.1.1w  11 Sep 2023

Is there a way to reduce the delay without moving to a development branch?

Yes it is, it was mentioned somewhere on forum: you have to edit pkgupdate script to comment line producing delay…
Sorry I can’t be more specific for I don’t have access to router momentarily.

Sorry again, I was replying in bus and don’t remember the steps good. It’s as follows:

To force update when it is staged edit /etc/updater/conf.d/turris.lua
to comment line “(i.e. inserting characters ‘–’)”: ‘branch = “hbs-old”’,
which is about line 117, i.e.:
‘-- Are we there yet?’
‘if update_go_time > os.time() then’
‘–branch = “hbs-old”’
‘base_url = repo_url … “/” … branch … “/” …’
‘WARN(“There is a newer version available, …”’

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