reForis or Luci? Your opinion on my configuration as I have done it now

Hello Turris Community,
I have now configured my new Turris Omnia Wifi 6 as my main router in the same way as my previous OpenWRT router and I am very happy about it. In general, I think Turris is an incredible cool project, thanks to everyone!
For me, the Turris OS and reForis are still new territory and I would have been interested in your opinion whether I have configured my configuration the right way.
I learned that I should configure whatever is possible via reForis and only configure in the “Luci” interface if you know what you are doing.

So here is what I have done in Luci:

I want to have 3 networks at the end.

  • “Private” LAN/WLAN"
  • “Guest” LAN/WLAN
    I have created the VLANs in Luci and configured the LANs and WLANs as I know it.
    I think if I had no need for this “IOT” network, I could have configured my private and guest network completely via reForis?
    But because of this “IOT” network, it was right to create it via Luci, right?
    In principle, I have configured the LAN/WLAN/guest network completely in Luci. In reForis nothing is configured under “Interfaces” and “Guest Network” now.

I have configured in Luci as I could also enter “Hostnames” there.

Zones, Port Forwards and Traffic Rules all in Luci, I didn’t find them in reForis.

How does it look for you. Could I have installed and configured some things via “Packages” in reForis or is it OK as I have done it now? Can I still activate the dynamic firewall in reForis now?

About my first point have I found a answer now in the documentation. In the documentation from Turris is VLAN creation it also about Luci VLAN
Maybe then it is also ok that I have done the complete Interface and WLAN configuration about Luci.

If your devices send proper hostnames in their DHCP requests, Reforis has an option “Enable DHCP clients in DNS”. With this enabled, the internal DNS server will respond the hostname requests of all connected devices (i.e. you can ping your device using its hostname).

Unfortunately, this does not work as expected everywhere. I have set this option but e.g. two of my OpenWRT switches are only resolved by name if I enter them as hostname in DHCP.

Maybe do you know whether I can activate the dynamic firewall or Sentinel or whether this conflicts with the firewall set in Luci? I think normally not, one is an adaptive firewall and the other is a packet filtering firewall.