Hello Turris Community,
I have now configured my new Turris Omnia Wifi 6 as my main router in the same way as my previous OpenWRT router and I am very happy about it. In general, I think Turris is an incredible cool project, thanks to everyone!
For me, the Turris OS and reForis are still new territory and I would have been interested in your opinion whether I have configured my configuration the right way.
I learned that I should configure whatever is possible via reForis and only configure in the “Luci” interface if you know what you are doing.
So here is what I have done in Luci:
I want to have 3 networks at the end.
- “Private” LAN/WLAN"
- “Guest” LAN/WLAN
I have created the VLANs in Luci and configured the LANs and WLANs as I know it.
I think if I had no need for this “IOT” network, I could have configured my private and guest network completely via reForis?
But because of this “IOT” network, it was right to create it via Luci, right?
In principle, I have configured the LAN/WLAN/guest network completely in Luci. In reForis nothing is configured under “Interfaces” and “Guest Network” now.
I have configured in Luci as I could also enter “Hostnames” there.
Zones, Port Forwards and Traffic Rules all in Luci, I didn’t find them in reForis.
How does it look for you. Could I have installed and configured some things via “Packages” in reForis or is it OK as I have done it now? Can I still activate the dynamic firewall in reForis now?
About my first point have I found a answer now in the documentation. In the documentation from Turris is VLAN creation it also about Luci VLAN
Maybe then it is also ok that I have done the complete Interface and WLAN configuration about Luci.