reForis announcement!

I found no such cookies. To be sure I retried using curl on a command line. All I get is a long silence.

ReForis installed on Omnia and Turris OS 5.0-dev. Everything seems to work, except the DNS card. It looks like a bug. In Foris no problem.

Platí i pro finální verzi Turris OS 4.0.2.

Zkuste restartovat router. Tento problém jsem vyřešil.

I tried to install Re-Foris GUI on MOX 4.03 , but … unfortunatelly it doesn’t work for me.

Can someone say me, where can be problem ?
Forris, Luci and command line works OK.


This kind of error, which you experienced is fixed in all the development branches and with the next release of the Turris OS 4.0.x, it will work. For now, you might want to use HBK branch.

ReForis is experimental as there is still ongoing development on it.

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Please add reForis in your demo for evaluation. Thank you.


I realized there are some extra reForis packages/plugins which are not installed, despite the fact that I have selected reForis list of packages. I found these additional plugins (TOS 5.0.0 HBT):

  • reforis-data-collection-plugin
  • reforis-netboot-plugin
  • reforis-remote-wifi-settings-plugin

They could be installed via opkg. Is there any reason, why they are not installed with other/default reForis plugins?

Also in HBK. Plugins are optional and could be installed from Updater / Package Management.

They are broken for now because some components are missing or they were barely tested. In short: they are expected to not work so they are not installed to end users yet.

Thanks @cynerd , for the explanation.

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And after that will be installed as default?

Some of them will be installed by default. Others will be installed by selecting related package list.

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