I have configured omnia-led:user1 to show USB status in green
after boot, led is off.
when I exec /etc/init.d/led start, led goes on (green colour)
when I execute /etc/init.d/rainbow, led goes off.
setting default LED status to ON did not help, disabling that LED colour did not help.
the only difference in /sys/devices/platform/soc/soc:internal-regs/f1011000.i2c/i2c-0/i2c-1/1-002b/leds/omnia-led:user1
is that “autonomous” contains “1” after rainbow script, but setting it to “0” doesn’t help.
Any ideas what can be wrong?
I am not sure how to help …but …this is my config for user1,user2 leds …(one usb device with two mounts)
config led
option sysfs 'omnia-led:user1'
option name 'USB1'
option trigger 'usbdev'
option default '1'
option dev '3-1' ## sometimes this is lost during reboot/restart of rainbow
config led
option name 'USB2'
option trigger 'usbdev'
option default '1'
option sysfs 'omnia-led:user2'
option dev '5-1' ## sometimes this is lost during reboot/restart of rainbow
Here is correspond color setup …
config led 'usr1'
option color '00d27f'
option status 'auto'
config led 'usr2'
option color '00ff83'
option status 'auto'
You do not need to run rainbow manually, there is /etc/cron.d/rainbow scheduled for every minute. So changing anything in /sys/devices/platform/soc/soc:internal-regs/f1011000.i2c/i2c-0/i2c-1/1-002b/leds/omnia-led:user1 is reverted back after 59sec , based on rainbow(colors) ; system(probe/trigger/on-off) config(s). Check that “system” uci config first to ensure you have it correct.
I am using Luci to do the changes (save + apply) rather doing the manual edit in uci config and restarting some service. (i do not have /etc/init.d/led at all …i only have led_autoconfig:). btw: rainbow do only intesinty and color, not the triggering or setting the led on/off/auto …
I don’t run rainbow manually - I have just tested it, because my LED went off after I set it up to be green.
here is my system:
config led
option dev '4-1'
option sysfs 'omnia-led:user1'
option trigger 'usbdev'
option name 'UPS'
option default '0'
and rainbow:
config led 'usr1'
option status 'auto'
option color 'green'
… while rainbow syncing might work every minute, I can only confirm that it turns my LED off.
I set default to ‘1’ and so far it seems to work, after manual run of rainbow the LED went off again.
after reboot the same happened.
I wonder where you did get the comments: ## sometimes this is lost during reboot/restart of rainbow
because that might be just the problem I encounter
config led
option sysfs 'omnia-led:user1'
option name 'USB1'
option trigger 'usbdev'
option default '1'
option dev '3-1'
config led
option name 'USB2'
option trigger 'usbdev'
option default '1'
option sysfs 'omnia-led:user2'
option dev '5-1'
that comment i wrote there as a note … sometimes the “first” block setup is lost and i have to set it back again (trigger, dev values). I do not know why. Occurs like three times so far. I am suspecting that usbdev is busy or timeouting and led-trigger is not correctly detecting that device at that moment.
default=0 vs status=auto
default=0… means that led is off until some trigger detects event. For “netdev” device that is kind of fine, it is blinking only when rx/tx event are detected. Previous version of “system” allowed to specify read/write for each usbdev/blockdevice, but since some time option mode/trigger is no longer available. At the previous times i have to configure the “usbdev” twice (one for read and second for write, nowadyas you just set it once and it does the read/write triggers automatically)
So i think that for “usbdev” you have to have “default=1” and it should work.
… in rainbow uci config you have “option status ‘auto’” . On=led is shining , Off=led is off, Auto=hardware is triggering if the led is on or off. auto(rainbow) + default=0(system) → led is off for “usbdev” , but i would expect that if there is write/read that led will blink (this works for “netdev” , but it does not work for “usbdev”, obviously) auto(rainbow) + default=1(system) → led is on for “usbdev”, this reacts to HW events correctly
/etc/init.d/rainbow sets the colors ; /etc/init.d/system is (not only) for led setup …so you have to reload both if you change led setup (or use Luci and save/apply just the led-config there)
(that cron task running each minute) is for the hw intensity button , it compares the value from “button” with value set by “rainbow intesity” and ensures that what you set via button is written to/is same as in rainbow.magic file. Value in /etc/rainbow.magic file regulates intensity, so if there will be “0” , leds will be dimed fully. If value is “0” use command rainbow intensity 100 to set max shining or use “intensity button” and if the shining level remains same after one minute syncing is fine
/etc/init.d/led start does set USB led to ON/green
/etc/init.d/rainbow start sets it to OFF.
and since rainbow runs AFTER led at boot time, I have it off by default.
the first write disabled the LED, the second did ust set colour. just as my first comment says.
I am able to set “autonomous” to “0” and the LED shines now.
when I set ‘autonomous’ to 1 and plug USB device out and back in, the LED starts shining and the autonomous contains ‘0’.
so the problem is clearly that rainbow should not set autonomous to ‘1’.