Rainbow is decreasing brightness after each led color reconfig - TOS 6.3.3

After today’s release of TOS 6.3.3 the rainbow started to decreasing brightness of LEDs after each single led color reconfiguration.
I assume it has something to do with two errors which are thrown after each rainbow reconfig. But there is nothing more visible in /var/log/messages or dmesg or even when rainbow is running with -x debug.

I saw these two errors also under TOS 6.3.2 but brightness was not changed. Only under 6.3.3.

I’m setting the brightness to -p 10, but right after that two errors are visible and it is then on 7. Then after changing one LED color, again two errors and brighntess is decreased by two.

#root@turris:~/scripts# rainbow brightness -p 10
Command failed: Not found
Command failed: Not found
#root@turris:~/scripts# rainbow brightness -q
#root@turris:~/scripts# rainbow indicator-1 fbff00 enable
Command failed: Not found
Command failed: Not found
#root@turris:~/scripts# rainbow brightness -q

Is this bug, or something wrong with my commands or configuration? Does anybode has the same issue?

I’m using some LEDs in scripts in crontab and color is changed (or set the same) each minute.
Which means I had to force the brighness after each LED color change. To keep them visible.


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Hi Bebe, we are sorry for the inconvenience. Could you contact our support desk by e-mail info@turris.cz and send us the full diagnostics file as an attachment? It will be helpful to check this issue. Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards Marcela, Turris Support Team

Hi Marcela,

Thanks, I just did it.
I didn’t want to bother support as I was not sure if this could be problem on my end.

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Nope, I have the same problem. After upgrade to turrisOS 6.3.3 the brightness of LEDs is going down after each LED reconfig as you sad.
I even noticed that sometimes when I set brightness to 30, sometimes it is set to 30 and sometimes to 28. It is strange.

root@turris:~# rainbow brightness -p 30
root@turris:~# rainbow brightness -q
root@turris:~# rainbow brightness -p 30
root@turris:~# rainbow brightness -q

Please let us know if there will be some info, progress from support tiket. Thanks

Thanks for confirmation! So probably bug, and in your case no error is shown.
I’m waiting for the developer team for response. Once I have news I’ll reply here.
On my scripts I have just added workaround after each change of LEDs, I’m setting back also brightness.

After the last update of rainbow module, seems to be fixed.
I’m still getting these two error messages like before, but brightness is stable. Thanks!.

#root@turris:~# rainbow brightness -p 10
Command failed: Not found
Command failed: Not found
#root@turris:~# rainbow brightness -q
#root@turris:~# rainbow indicator-1 fbff00 enable
Command failed: Not found
Command failed: Not found
#root@turris:~# rainbow brightness -q
#root@turris:~# rainbow indicator-1 ffff00 enable
Command failed: Not found
Command failed: Not found
#root@turris:~# rainbow brightness -q

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