Question about Sentinel View

I have a question about Sentinel. I have now installed and activated the Sentinel packages. It looks good, everything is green in reForis. In Sentinel-View I can see my token in “My devices”. There are no entries in this three categories below it.
So in principle, entries only appear on this side event I was actually attacked, right? So at best there is never anything to be seen there, right?
Can I see somewhere what data my router sends to the Turris headquarter?

The display on the server has a certain delay - about 1 hour - you need to start viewing the new installation in the “Hour” tab

Until now still no entries on the site, looks like all is good at the moment for me :slight_smile:


are there no incidents at all? Might be that you do not use reachable IP. My honeypots collect nearly 50k incidents - and I am using dynamic public IPs…


Yes, still no data to be seen. What do you mean about IP? In any case, my router cannot be reached externally at the moment. I didn’t think this would be necessary.

No hits mean something is blocking your pots? Since you should def see some attempts over the hour.
So try to connect the turris WAN direct to the internetz? ( or if you have a cablemodem, put it in bridgemode)

Oh I’m sorry, I just saw that I made a double post… we also discussed this topic here.

Yes, it is correct, my Turris establishes a connection via the provider’s router.
We had discussed there that although I am protected, I would only see messages if the Turris was directly connected to the Internet.