Q: DAWN band-steering

Hi everybody,

is there a chance to get DAWN installed into TurrisOS? I’m using it on a bunch of OpenWrt based APs and would like to include my Omnia into the config as well. Instead of replacing it’s Wireless part with yet another OpenWrt based AP…

Unfortunately, the needed packages do not exist in the TOS repositories (maybe because it’s still based on OpenWrt 19.07). I was not able to find any related info in the documentation or in this forum. And uncle Google was not helpful either :frowning:

Thanks for any hints


Of course, wait to TOS 6 based on OpenWrt 21.02.

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AFAIK TOS 6 is still in HBD/HBL only (alpha2) - might take ages to get into HBS, or at least into HBT. Nothing you would want to run on the main router :wink:

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HBL is not alfa, but I fully understand.

To be correct, Turris OS 6.0 will not take ages, and yes, it is currently marked as alpha2. I responded to a similar issue on our GitLab, so let me reference it here: HBK: Confusing unavailable packages from stable OpenWRT (#358) · Issues · Turris / Turris OS / Turris Build · GitLab

TL;DR: dawn has been included in OpenWrt since 21.02 and will not be backported to OpenWrt 19.07. In this case, as it was suggested, you should use the HBL branch or wait until it reaches more stable branches.

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Thanks for your reply @Pepe, very appreciated!

Do some (rough) estimates on when TOS 6 may ship exist already? Or when it might reach HBK at least?

I am using DAWN on TOS6.0-alpha1 and it works fine.


i was a bit reluctant myself, but then the advantages of tos6 far outweigh the smaller problems it still has, at least for me and my use case. i´ve been on HBL with my main omnia for ~3 months now, and apart from the firewall logs not working and the adblock not always coming up after a router restart, it´s fine.