PrivateTunnel VPN Client Problem

I bought Turris Omnia to work at home as an OpenVPN router (Privatetunnel). All devices connected via wifi or lan must be connected to the vpn tunnel.
After completing all instructions from this page - >> Private Tunnel | Protect your Internet Traffic with Secure OpenVPN

…still all (wifi, lan) connections go without vpn tunneling :frowning:

My Zones looks like this -->>>

VPN theoretically started…

any help ?

Did you make correctly this step, from that guide ?

“Inter-Zone Forwarding → Allow forward from source zones: lan (checked)”

And for some info you can look around: VPN overview [Old OpenWrt Wiki]

Everything as in this guide and I have already done it several times but I have the impression that without linux or openwrt basics I can do some “basic” error in the style of “did you restart your router?” :), anyway thanks for answering. – >>

In LUCI once “Save and Apply” is clicked, it should restart the service on background.

I know a bit how to do server configuration, but client (with routing all traffic via that tunnel) is out of my knowledge (i have some ideas, but , maybe you can check it is for racoon, but, there are some ideas,steps and comments which might help you , i am reading it as well , coz i have plans to use ProtonVPN on my router.)

EDIT: i make it to very same point with ProtonVPN sometime ago. All worked well, but no traffic inside the tunnel. Aside i have server configuration (working pretty nice). I had plans to allow users use my server.vpn, with option to use my wan or my client.vpn for their traffic. ProtonVPN (free version) has some limitation, so i am not using it on my router, i use it on my win/droid/osx devices directly .

Having exactly the same problem as MWTO and will be very interested to see a solution. Used VPN Unlimited and ExpressVPN and Perfect-Privacy as VPN providers and having the same issue (even with OpenVPN or PPTP).

VPN service starts, showing online, but no traffic. All clients (mobiles, notebooks) in the Wifi network shows local IP.

Seems to be some kind of forwarding issue.

ok, this is not a VPN provider problem, it’s not a problem with my ISP …

… the previous router (a small router based on a slightly modified openwrt, just like turris) worked very well in this configuration, it was simply too slow in vpn connections. The openvpn configuration was limited to uploading the .ovpn file.

It does look like a forwarding problem, but I do not see it in the Firewall configuration …

The connection with the VPN looks ok and after all the traffic still bypasses the vpn …

The second thing is why Forris does not have vpn client, this feature, especially after changes in law in many countries around the world, is a must have, including in Czechia. The manufacturer of my previous router has this functionality implemented for all routers and I have the impression that the marketing success of this company is based in a large percentage on the VPN.