Poor vpn performance on 3.11.23

I’m on a 250/250 fibre connection. I use OpenVPN off and on to connect to a VPN service in another Country. At best I get something like 30/45 when testing with Speedtest. I’m using a .ovpn file from the VPN provider that I activate via a startup script. I’ll include the file without the certificates. I would appreciate any input that could help me get better performance. I have tried upgrading Turris to 5.0x a while ago and I couldn’t get the VPN to connect at all. So I’m a little hesitant to the upgrade at the moment!
Thanks :slight_smile:

dev tun

remote dk.access.vpnbroker.net 1194 udp
remote dk.access.vpnbroker.net 443 tcp

resolv-retry infinite



key-direction 1

cipher AES-256-CBC
verb 3

comp-lzo no

Hello. I would suggest you to upgrade to TOS 5.2.7; there were some issues with VPN in older version of TOS (I think it was 5.1.x) but this has been already solved.

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OK I will do that in due time. Thanks :slight_smile: