Pkgupdate: wants tup upgrade to 7.1.3 but fails

I have an Omnia which I’d neglected for some while and couldn’t log onto. So I did a factory reset on it and went through the Foris workflow to set it up. Not a wonderful experience but It’s sort of working, I’m online now typing this through that very Omnia.

Alas when I get to the updates part and let Foris do its thing I find it crashes. It redirects to:

which bombs. list_notifications no longer worked. With complaints like:

# list_notifications
Error loading shared library No such file or directory (needed by /usr/bin/jshn)
Error loading shared library No such file or directory (needed by /lib/
Error relocating /lib/ blobmsg_check_attr: symbol not found
Error relocating /lib/ blobmsg_open_nested: symbol not found
Error relocating /lib/ blobmsg_add_field: symbol not found
Error relocating /lib/ blob_nest_end: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/jshn: avl_insert: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/jshn: avl_init: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/jshn: blob_buf_init: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/jshn: avl_find: symbol not found

All good I just rolled back with schnapps to before the update. So I try it on the CLI and I see the pkgupdate wants to install Turris OS 7.1.3. That’s great, let’s do it. I’m on 4.

Alas that breaks things again. Here’s what it does:

root@turris:~# pkgupdate
INFO:Target Turris OS: 7.1.3
WARN:There's no extra option condition for a install
WARN:Request not satisfied to install package: fix-firewall-zone-limit
INFO:Queue install of libgcc/core/11.2.0-4
INFO:Queue install of libc/core/1.2.3-4
INFO:Queue install of ca-certificates/base/20230311-1
INFO:Queue install of base64c/turrispackages/0.2.1-4
INFO:Queue install of libopenssl/base/1.1.1w-1
INFO:Queue install of libexpat/packages/2.5.0-1
INFO:Queue install of libbz2/base/1.0.8-1
INFO:Queue install of libpthread/core/1.2.3-4
INFO:Queue install of liblzma/packages/5.4.1-1
INFO:Queue install of zlib/base/1.2.11-6
INFO:Queue install of libarchive/packages/3.5.3-3
INFO:Queue install of liburiparser/turrispackages/0.9.7-3
INFO:Queue install of ca-bundle/base/20230311-1
INFO:Queue install of libnghttp2/packages/1.44.0-1
INFO:Queue install of libcurl/packages/8.6.0-1
INFO:Queue install of libevent2/base/2.1.12-2
INFO:Queue install of liblua/base/5.1.5-11
INFO:Queue install of libubox/base/2022-05-15-d2223ef9-1
INFO:Queue install of libuci/base/2021-10-22-f84f49f0-6
INFO:Queue install of libuci-lua/base/2021-10-22-f84f49f0-6
INFO:Queue install of updater-ng/turrispackages/70.2.0-2
Press return to continue, CTRL+C to abort

INFO:Downloading packages
INFO:Executing preupdate hook:
Snapshot number 123 created
INFO:Unpacking download packages
INFO:Checking for file collisions between packages
INFO:Running pre-install and pre-rm scripts and merging packages to root file system
WARN:Config file /etc/config/updater modified by the user. Backing up the new one into /etc/config/updater-opkg
INFO:Removing packages and leftover files
INFO:Running post-install and post-rm scripts
INFO:Running postinst of libgcc
INFO:Running postinst of libc
INFO:Running postinst of ca-certificates
INFO:Running postinst of base64c
INFO:Running postinst of libopenssl
INFO:Running postinst of libexpat
INFO:Running postinst of libbz2
INFO:Running postinst of libpthread
INFO:Running postinst of liblzma
INFO:Running postinst of zlib
INFO:Running postinst of libarchive
INFO:Running postinst of liburiparser
INFO:Running postinst of ca-bundle
INFO:Running postinst of libnghttp2
INFO:Running postinst of libcurl
INFO:Running postinst of libevent2
INFO:Running postinst of liblua
INFO:Running postinst of libubox
INFO:Running postinst of libuci
INFO:Running postinst of libuci-lua
INFO:Running postinst of updater-ng
INFO:Cleaning up control files
Error loading shared library No such file or directory (needed by /usr/bin/openssl)
Error loading shared library No such file or directory (needed by /usr/bin/openssl)
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_REQ_set_version: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_subject_name_hash_old: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ASN1_ENUMERATED_set: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_set_client_CA_list: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_DecryptFinal_ex: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_copy_parameters: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: sk_shift: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_STORE_CTX_init: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: NETSCAPE_SPKI_set_pubkey: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: i2b_PrivateKey_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_export_keying_material: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_LOOKUP_file: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ASN1_TIME_print: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_state: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PBE_find: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_CTX_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SHA256: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: b2i_PrivateKey_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ASN1_STRING_length: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_CRL_get_ext_d2i: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CMS_uncompress: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: lh_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EC_GROUP_set_asn1_flag: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_gmtime_adj: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_get_error: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: DSA_sign: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CRYPTO_strdup: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_POLICY_NODE_print: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_f_md: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_get_fd: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BN_dec2bn: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_encrypt_init: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ASN1_TYPE_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: RAND_status: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EC_GROUP_get_cofactor: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_f_zlib: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_read_bio_X509_CRL: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_set_callback: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_REQ_print_ex: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_check_chain: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_base_id: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_RESPONSE_print: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ASN1_TYPE_get: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ECDSA_sign: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_REVOKED_set_revocationDate: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_REQUEST_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_add1_trust_object: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: RSA_print: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PKCS12_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: i2a_ASN1_OBJECT: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TXT_DB_create_index: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_set_srp_strength: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_NAME_print_ex_fp: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_new_fp: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_set_srp_server_param: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_set1_param: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ENGINE_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: DES_crypt: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CRYPTO_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SRP_create_verifier: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set_purpose: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OBJ_txt2nid: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SRP_check_known_gN_param: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_paramgen: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OBJ_txt2obj: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BN_hex2bn: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_NAME_add_entry: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_REQ_get_pubkey: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: RAND_seed: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: sk_pop_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CMS_get1_certs: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EC_GROUP_set_point_conversion_form: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: NETSCAPE_SPKI_sign: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_REQ_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_MSG_IMPRINT_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CMS_decrypt: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_get0_pubkey_bitstr: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_cmp_time: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_check_host: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ASN1_item_unpack: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_MD_size: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: UI_process: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_RESP_set_status_info: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CONF_modules_load: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_keygen: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OBJ_sn2nid: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: i2d_X509_NAME: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_request_sign: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PKCS7_verify: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_STORE_CTX_get0_parent_ctx: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_SESSION_get0_peer: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BUF_MEM_grow: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_copy_nonce: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: DES_ede3_cbc_encrypt: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SRP_VBASE_init: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: d2i_PrivateKey_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: RAND_load_file: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CMS_add1_ReceiptRequest: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OBJ_obj2nid: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: lh_retrieve: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: sk_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_write: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ERR_peek_last_error: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BN_set_word: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: UI_ctrl: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_set_info_callback: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CMS_get1_ReceiptRequest: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: RSA_public_encrypt: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SMIME_read_PKCS7: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_CRL_diff: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_COMP_get_name: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EC_POINT_point2bn: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: UI_new_method: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_certs_clear: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: RSA_check_key: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ENGINE_set_default: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_REQ_CTX_add1_header: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_alias_get0: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: d2i_X509_REQ_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_write_bio_ECPKParameters: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EC_GROUP_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: b2i_PublicKey_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CONF_CTX_finish: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: DH_generate_parameters_ex: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PKCS12_set_mac: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: i2d_X509: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ASN1_d2i_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PKCS12_get_attr_gen: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_new_mac_key: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_get_ext_by_OBJ: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSLv23_client_method: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ERR_peek_error: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ERR_remove_thread_state: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_CIPHER_nid: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_set_msg_callback: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: sk_value: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: RC2_cbc_encrypt: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CRYPTO_set_mem_functions: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PKCS7_decrypt: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: NETSCAPE_SPKI_b64_encode: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_CERTID_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: NCONF_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_write_bio_X509_REQ_NEW: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_add1_reject_object: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_get1_DSA: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_set_psk_client_callback: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_get_selected_srtp_profile: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_CRL_print: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_get_srp_g: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CRYPTO_malloc: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_VERIFY_PARAM_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_BASICRESP_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ERR_print_errors: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_new_fd: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_REQ_get_extensions: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_md5: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSLv23_server_method: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_request_add0_id: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_PURPOSE_get_count: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_STORE_load_locations: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_DigestFinal_ex: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: i2d_RSA_PUBKEY_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_get_SSL_CTX: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_new_accept: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_set_tmp_rsa_callback: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_NAME_entry_count: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: NETSCAPE_SPKI_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_delete_ext: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_STORE_add_lookup: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_REQUEST_print: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ENGINE_init: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_use_psk_identity_hint: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PKCS7_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_PURPOSE_get_id: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: UI_method_set_reader: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: RAND_egd: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_BytesToKey: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_CRL_http_nbio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_response_status: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TXT_DB_insert: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CRYPTO_cleanup_all_ex_data: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_set_srp_cb_arg: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: DSA_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ENGINE_cleanup: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BN_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: RSA_generate_key_ex: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: RSA_size: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CMS_ContentInfo_print_ctx: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: s2i_ASN1_INTEGER: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_PURPOSE_get0_name: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CAST_cbc_encrypt: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_read_bio_CMS: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CONF_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_NAME_add_entry_by_NID: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_CRL_set_lastUpdate: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_REQ_print_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ASN1_UTCTIME_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_check_nonce: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: UI_add_verify_string: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: d2i_RSAPublicKey_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_id_get0_info: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_write_bio_RSAPublicKey: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_issuer_name_hash: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CMS_RecipientInfo_type: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PKCS12_create: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_aes_256_cbc: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: RC4_options: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SRP_VBASE_get1_by_user: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PKCS7_add_certificate: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_set_version: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SMIME_read_CMS: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CMS_data_create: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: DSA_print: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PKCS12_certbag2x509: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_set_srp_username_callback: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BN_is_prime_ex: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set_time: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_NAME_ENTRY_get_data: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_subject_name_hash: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: NETSCAPE_CERT_SEQUENCE_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_VERIFY_PARAM_add0_policy: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BN_bn2dec: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_write_bio_PKCS8: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_SESSION_set1_id_context: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_push: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PKCS8_decrypt: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_rc2_40_cbc: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_callback_ctrl: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_CONF_set_clock_precision_digits: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_set_session_id_context: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OBJ_nid2obj: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_aes_192_cbc: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CIPHER_get_id: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_select_next_proto: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_set_verify: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_get_cipher_list: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_CRL_digest: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_set_serialNumber: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EC_KEY_get0_public_key: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CMS_add0_recipient_password: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CIPHER_description: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_STORE_CTX_cleanup: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_RESP_create_response: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SRP_user_pwd_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ENGINE_get_name: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_clear: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_NAME_oneline: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_f_nbio_test: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: d2i_X509_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: AES_set_encrypt_key: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_STORE_CTX_get_explicit_policy: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_callback_ctrl: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CMS_verify: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_ALGOR_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BN_num_bits: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: NCONF_load_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: UI_create_method: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_check_ip_asc: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ENGINE_ctrl_cmd: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_VERIFY_CTX_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: UI_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_read: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_get_ext: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_TST_INFO_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CONF_CTX_set_flags: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_reject_clear: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OpenSSLDie: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_SESSION_print: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: DTLSv1_2_server_method: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PBE2PARAM_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: RSA_new_method: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_set_quiet_shutdown: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BUF_MEM_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: NCONF_get_number_e: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: i2d_PKCS12_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PKCS7_sign_add_signer: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_use_srtp: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CMS_verify_receipt: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_print_public: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ASN1_INTEGER_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OBJ_nid2sn: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_get1_ocsp: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CMS_decrypt_set1_password: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_sha1: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509V3_parse_list: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: d2i_CMS_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set1_host: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_REQ_set_policy_id: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OPENSSL_load_builtin_modules: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_read_bio_ECPKParameters: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_CRL_set_version: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_set_next_proto_select_cb: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_REQ_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_f_base64: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_RESP_CTX_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CRYPTO_gcm128_release: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: RC4: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_asn1_find_str: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509V3_EXT_add_nconf: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BN_bin2bn: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: RAND_bytes: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: RSA_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: UI_method_get_reader: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: d2i_X509_CRL_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: i2d_RSA_NET: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_STORE_CTX_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_get_ext_count: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_get_shared_sigalgs: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ASN1_STRING_data: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PKCS7_sign: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_REQ_CTX_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_set_shutdown: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_get_subject_name: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_des_ede3_wrap: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_printf: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BN_generate_prime_ex: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: d2i_PKCS8_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_read_bio_PUBKEY: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_print_private: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_SIG_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ENGINE_get_digests: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_get_peer_cert_chain: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_get_issuer_name: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EC_GROUP_get_curve_GFp: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_write_bio_DSAparams: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_SESSION_get_id: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_NAME_delete_entry: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_aes_256_wrap: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_decrypt: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: i2d_SSL_SESSION: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_has_matching_session_id: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_dump: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_REVOKED_set_serialNumber: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_REQ_add1_attr_by_txt: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_set_session_id_context: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_MD_do_all_sorted: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ERR_reason_error_string: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_aes_192_wrap: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: DTLS_client_method: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SRP_VBASE_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_REQ_set_nonce: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_DigestInit: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_get_version: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_keyid_set1: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_CONF_set_tsa_name: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: NCONF_get_string: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CMS_ReceiptRequest_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_Cipher: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_get1_EC_KEY: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_add_client_custom_ext: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: i2d_PKCS8_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_RESP_CTX_set_status_info: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_STORE_CTX_get0_policy_tree: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_CRL_add1_ext_i2d: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_keygen_info: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_aes_128_wrap: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_new_ssl: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_use_certificate: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_REQ_set_version: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_app_data: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ASN1_TYPE_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BF_set_key: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: i2d_RSAPrivateKey_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: HMAC_CTX_init: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: HMAC_CTX_cleanup: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: sk_push: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_set_SSL_CTX: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: sk_new_null: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_number_written: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_STORE_get_by_subject: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_id_issuer_cmp: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BN_CTX_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_NAME_hash: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EC_GROUP_get_order: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_cert_to_id: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_write_bio_RSA_PUBKEY: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_asn1_get0: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_STORE_CTX_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_set_issuer_name: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_VERIFY_CTX_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_PURPOSE_get0: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: d2i_TS_REQ_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_sess_set_new_cb: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CONF_modules_unload: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_resp_find_status: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ENGINE_get_ciphers: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_read_bio_DSAparams: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_get_wbio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: i2b_PublicKey_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_verify_recover: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PKCS12_parse: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CMS_digest_verify: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_LOOKUP_ctrl: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_CRL_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: UI_destroy_method: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: i2d_ECPrivateKey_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: d2i_PKCS12_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_set_cookie_verify_cb: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ASN1_INTEGER_to_BN: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: DES_ncbc_encrypt: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: RAND_write_file: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: i2d_PKCS8_PRIV_KEY_INFO_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CMS_add1_signer: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BN_add_word: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OPENSSL_cleanse: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: DSA_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_get_default_cert_area: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_library_init: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: d2i_RSAPrivateKey: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_STORE_CTX_set_cert: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: d2i_OCSP_RESPONSE: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME_print: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_read_bio_PKCS7: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_DigestVerifyInit: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_new_socket: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_DigestSignInit: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ENGINE_get_DH: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_add1_attr_by_NID: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_s_null: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_set_srp_username: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_f_ssl: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_get_client_CA_list: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: UI_method_set_closer: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_read: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set_depth: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: i2d_TS_REQ_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_verify_cert_error_string: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_NAME_ENTRY_get_object: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_set_callback_arg: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_SESSION_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_DigestInit_ex: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ASN1_TIME_set_string: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ERR_error_string_n: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: i2d_ASN1_TYPE: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_cert_id_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_REQ_CTX_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: GENERAL_NAME_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_read_bio_EC_PUBKEY: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_PURPOSE_get0_sname: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PBEPARAM_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_s_connect: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: HMAC_Update: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_STORE_CTX_get_current_cert: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CMS_EncryptedData_decrypt: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_get_current_cipher: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_read_bio_DHparams: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_CRL_set_nextUpdate: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PKCS12_unpack_p7encdata: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_set_next_protos_advertised_cb: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: d2i_PKCS7_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_get_serialNumber: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ENGINE_get_RSA: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: DH_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_ctrl: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_CIPHER_iv_length: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ASN1_TIME_diff: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: NETSCAPE_SPKI_verify: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_derive_init: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EC_GROUP_set_seed: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: i2d_X509_REQ_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_write_bio_PKCS7_stream: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EC_curve_nist2nid: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_version: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ASN1_STRING_cmp: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_STORE_CTX_set_flags: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_verify: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BN_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_policy_tree_get0_policies: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: AES_cbc_encrypt: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EC_KEY_generate_key: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509V3_add_value: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: NETSCAPE_X509_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_socket_ioctl: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_noconf: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ASN1_INTEGER_set: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ASN1_UNIVERSALSTRING_to_string: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CONF_load: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_RESP_print_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CAST_set_key: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_set_connect_state: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_ocspid_print: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_STORE_CTX_get_error: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_f_buffer: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_basic_add1_status: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: lh_node_stats_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ENGINE_get_pkey_asn1_meth_str: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_shutdown: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_set_flags: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_sign_ctx: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ASN1_UTCTIME_set_string: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ASN1_ENUMERATED_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OBJ_create_objects: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EC_GROUP_check: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_COMP_free_compression_methods: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_crl_reason_str: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OBJ_cleanup: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_EXTENSION_get_object: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_INFO_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: AES_ige_encrypt: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_read_bio_SSL_SESSION: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_pop: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_sendreq_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_REQ_check_private_key: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_CONF_set_certs: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_basic_verify: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TLSv1_1_client_method: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_state_string_long: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_app_data: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_policy_tree_get0_user_policies: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_request_onereq_count: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_CTX_ctrl: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_EncryptUpdate: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_set_debug: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CRYPTO_gcm128_setiv: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: DTLSv1_client_method: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EC_GROUP_get_point_conversion_form: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: DTLSv1_server_method: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_cleanup: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SMIME_write_CMS: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TXT_DB_read: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_print_ex: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_DigestSignFinal: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ERR_clear_error: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: RSA_PKCS1_SSLeay: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_verify: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_CONF_get_tsa_section: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PKCS12_verify_mac: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: GENERAL_NAMES_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: i2d_TS_RESP_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_verify_cert: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_get_pubkey: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ENGINE_register_all_complete: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_trust_clear: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BN_bn2hex: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BN_rshift1: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CMS_EncryptedData_encrypt: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CONF_get_section: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CRYPTO_gcm128_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSLeay: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_write_bio_X509: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_get_sigalgs: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_CTX_new_id: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BN_mod_exp: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: d2i_EC_PUBKEY_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_LOOKUP_hash_dir: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_read_bio_ECPrivateKey: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ERR_free_strings: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PKCS7_encrypt: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: i2d_EC_PUBKEY_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_basic_sign: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: DHparams_print: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: i2d_PKCS7_bio_stream: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: d2i_PUBKEY_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_derive: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BN_CTX_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_print_params: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: UI_construct_prompt: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_write_bio_X509_AUX: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ENGINE_ctrl: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PKCS7_final: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ASN1_tag2str: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_response_create: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BUF_memdup: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_parse_url: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CONF_cmd: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_number_read: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: NCONF_get_section: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: i2d_X509_CRL_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: DH_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_STORE_set_default_paths: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_STORE_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: UI_method_get_closer: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_DigestUpdate: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_sock_should_retry: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_SINGLERESP_add1_ext_i2d: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_save_parameters: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_sess_set_remove_cb: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ENGINE_get_RAND: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PKCS7_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_set_cert_cb: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CMS_RecipientInfo_kari_get0_ctx: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BN_pseudo_rand: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_response_status_str: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_read_bio_X509_REQ: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: lh_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_RESPONSE_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_CRL_sort: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EC_KEY_get0_group: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_accept: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CMS_sign: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_test_flags: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_renegotiate: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: i2d_DSAPrivateKey_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_get0_alpn_selected: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_ALGOR_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CONF_cmd_argv: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: i2d_X509_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_read_bio_X509_AUX: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ASN1_INTEGER_get: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: HMAC: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_read_bio_PKCS8_PRIV_KEY_INFO: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: UI_add_input_string: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BN_print: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_MD_CTX_set_flags: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set_flags: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_RESP_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: d2i_RSA_NET: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TLSv1_client_method: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_MSG_IMPRINT_set_msg: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_NAME_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509V3_set_nconf: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: RSA_public_decrypt: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set1_ip_asc: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_read_pw_string: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_set_accept_state: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_NAME_add_entry_by_txt: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BUF_strlcpy: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_get_digestbyname: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EC_KEY_precompute_mult: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_write_bio_CMS_stream: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_time_adj_ex: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_REQ_set_msg_imprint: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ASN1_parse_dump: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EC_KEY_set_asn1_flag: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: AES_options: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_MD_type: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: UI_OpenSSL: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ENGINE_get_DSA: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: NCONF_load: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ENGINE_get_next: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_get_peer_certificate: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BN_options: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PKCS12_decrypt_skey: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OBJ_NAME_do_all_sorted: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_paramgen_init: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_NAME_get_entry: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: DSA_generate_parameters_ex: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_get_certificate: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TXT_DB_write: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_get_retry_reason: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_write_bio_PKCS8_PRIV_KEY_INFO: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_read_bio_NETSCAPE_CERT_SEQUENCE: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_new_connect: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_RESP_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BUF_MEM_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: RSA_verify: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_ctrl: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ECPKParameters_print: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OBJ_nid2ln: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: RAND_cleanup: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_CRL_add0_revoked: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_MSG_IMPRINT_set_algo: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BF_cbc_encrypt: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SRP_get_default_gN: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_asn1_find: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_md4: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_cert_status_str: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: COMP_zlib_cleanup: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EC_GROUP_method_of: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CMS_compress: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_set_cookie_generate_cb: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TLSv1_2_server_method: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: b2i_PVK_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EC_METHOD_get_field_type: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_get_shared_ciphers: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_get_ext_d2i: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_to_X509_REQ: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_BASICRESP_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_DecryptInit_ex: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: RAND_pseudo_bytes: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_sendreq_nbio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: RC4_set_key: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CIPHER_find: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_EncryptFinal_ex: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_write_bio_SSL_SESSION: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_NAME_dup: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_RESP_verify_response: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_STORE_CTX_trusted_stack: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_alias_set1: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_REQ_set_subject_name: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: UI_method_set_writer: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: UI_get0_user_data: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_get_srp_username: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ASN1_item_i2d_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_ctrl: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_STORE_CTX_set0_crls: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ASN1_generate_nconf: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BN_to_ASN1_INTEGER: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_MD_CTX_init: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SMIME_write_PKCS7: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_VERIFY_PARAM_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_set_client_cert_engine: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_write_bio_DSAPrivateKey: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_NAME_ENTRY_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_ripemd160: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_set1_DSA: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_RESP_get_token: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME_set_string: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_load_client_CA_file: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ASN1_i2d_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BUF_reverse: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_CONF_set_serial: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_STORE_CTX_get_error_depth: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_get_cipherbyname: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CMS_get0_signers: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_size: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: string_to_hex: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: lh_stats_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_gets: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_write_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: a2i_ASN1_INTEGER: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: i2d_OCSP_RESPONSE: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_sign_init: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ASN1_ENUMERATED_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_get_ciphers: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509V3_EXT_CRL_add_nconf: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OBJ_create: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_alert_type_string_long: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ASN1_PRINTABLE_type: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_set_srp_client_pwd_callback: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: DSAparams_dup: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_Digest: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BN_bn2bin: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ASN1_UTCTIME_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EC_get_builtin_curves: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_EncryptInit_ex: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509V3_EXT_REQ_add_nconf: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: RSA_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_REQ_print: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_read_bio_Parameters: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_cache_hit: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_STORE_set_flags: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_pending: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CONF_CTX_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_sign: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_get_default_digest_nid: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BF_options: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TLSv1_1_server_method: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CMS_set1_eContentType: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CONF_CTX_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_write_bio_RSAPrivateKey: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_CONF_set_policies: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_write_bio_DHparams: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_get_srp_N: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: DTLSv1_2_client_method: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_http_nbio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_get0_next_proto_negotiated: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PBKDF2PARAM_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: DH_check: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: NETSCAPE_CERT_SEQUENCE_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_set_verify: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_write_bio_X509_CRL: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_NAME_get_index_by_OBJ: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_RESP_set_tst_info: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set1_email: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CMS_data: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_write_bio_PKCS7: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_CONF_load_certs: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_sess_set_get_cb: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_TST_INFO_print_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EC_GROUP_get_curve_name: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_dump_indent: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_is_server: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: i2b_PVK_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_check_private_key: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_DigestFinal: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: d2i_SSL_SESSION: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_PURPOSE_get_by_sname: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_STORE_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EC_curve_nid2nist: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CMS_encrypt: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_int_ctrl: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: i2d_X509_PUBKEY: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CMS_decrypt_set1_pkey: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: DES_options: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: d2i_PKCS8_PRIV_KEY_INFO_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_aes_128_cbc: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: i2d_PUBKEY_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: RC2_set_key: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_check_purpose: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CRYPTO_set_mem_debug_functions: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ENGINE_get_first: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_write_bio_NETSCAPE_CERT_SEQUENCE: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_asn1_get0_info: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_REVOKED_add1_ext_i2d: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_write_bio_EC_PUBKEY: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_snprintf: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EC_KEY_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_OBJECT_free_contents: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_REQ_verify: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: NETSCAPE_SPKI_print: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: RSA_private_encrypt: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_set_generate_session_id: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKCS82PKEY: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_des_ede3_cbc: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ENGINE_finish: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_check_validity: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_NAME_get_index_by_NID: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_CRL_verify: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_CONF_set_accuracy: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CONF_CTX_set_ssl_ctx: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BN_cmp: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_REQ_add1_attr_by_NID: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: DSA_generate_key: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_get_callback_arg: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_NAME_print_ex: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_CONF_set_ess_cert_id_chain: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: HMAC_Final: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_f_cipher: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_request_add1_nonce: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_STATUS_INFO_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: sk_num: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_get_servername_type: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ASN1_STRING_set_default_mask_asc: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_verify_init: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: lh_strhash: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_use_PrivateKey: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_write_bio_PrivateKey: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SHA1: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ASN1_OBJECT_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: GENERAL_NAME_get0_value: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CMS_ReceiptRequest_create0: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_CIPHER_key_length: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_get_session: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_set_pubkey: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_digest: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_STORE_add_crl: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: UI_method_set_opener: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_write_bio_DHxparams: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: RSA_set_default_method: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_connect: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_REQ_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_add_ext: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSLeay_version: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_check_email: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_write_bio_X509_REQ: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_encrypt: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: lh_insert: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_flags: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_STORE_CTX_get1_chain: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_load_error_strings: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_set_subject_name: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: i2d_PKCS7_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509V3_set_ctx: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: HMAC_Init_ex: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_MD_CTX_md: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EC_GROUP_get0_generator: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_write_bio_ECPrivateKey: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_RESP_verify_token: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_RESP_get_tst_info: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: DES_set_key_unchecked: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_set_session: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EC_KEY_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BUF_strdup: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TLSv1_server_method: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_REQ_sign_ctx: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_sign: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TXT_DB_get_by_index: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: DSAparams_print: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_keygen_init: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CMS_decrypt_set1_key: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PKCS7_to_TS_TST_INFO: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ASN1_TIME_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_REQUEST_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: UI_set_result: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_bits: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ENGINE_get_pkey_meths: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ERR_get_error: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PKCS7_SIGNED_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ASN1_item_d2i_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_onereq_get0_id: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: RSA_sign: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: GENERAL_NAME_print: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CMS_add0_recipient_key: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: i2d_DSA_PUBKEY_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_missing_parameters: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: d2i_ECPrivateKey_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_CONF_set_ordering: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: UI_get_input_flags: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EC_GROUP_get_degree: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: UI_method_get_writer: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_X509_INFO_read_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_CIPHER_do_all_sorted: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_CIPHER_flags: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_write_bio_Parameters: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BUF_MEM_grow_clean: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_free_all: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: i2d_RSAPublicKey_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CRYPTO_realloc: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_STORE_set1_param: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: d2i_TS_RESP_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CMS_SignerInfo_get0_pkey_ctx: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_REQ_to_TS_VERIFY_CTX: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_rc2_64_cbc: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: NETSCAPE_SPKI_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_MD_flags: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_alert_desc_string_long: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_get_cert_store: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_get1_email: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_get_servername: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_puts: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_decrypt_init: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: UI_get_string_type: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CRYPTO_mem_ctrl: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_new_dgram: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_DecryptUpdate: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: NETSCAPE_SPKI_get_pubkey: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SHA512: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PKCS8_PRIV_KEY_INFO_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_EXTENSION_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_des_cbc: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: lh_node_usage_stats_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_cb: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BUF_strlcat: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_CTX_ctrl_str: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CMS_sign_receipt: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: i2d_PrivateKey_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ERR_load_crypto_strings: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CMS_ReceiptRequest_get0_values: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: DTLS_server_method: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_issuer_name_hash_old: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_read_bio_PKCS8: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ASN1_TIME_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CMS_RecipientInfo_get0_pkey_ctx: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ENGINE_load_builtin_engines: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_check_private_key: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OPENSSL_uni2asc: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_STORE_set_lookup_crls_cb: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_REQ_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CMS_get0_SignerInfos: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ASN1_INTEGER_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_read_bio_X509: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EC_KEY_set_group: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PKCS12_unpack_p7data: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ECDSA_verify: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CRYPTO_mem_leaks: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_REQ_set_pubkey: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_RESP_CTX_add_failure_info: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_CONF_set_crypto_device: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EC_KEY_print: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CIPHER_get_version: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_CONF_set_def_policy: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ENGINE_load_public_key: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CMS_digest_create: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_get0_asn1: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_set_psk_server_callback: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_read_bio_RSAPublicKey: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ERR_get_string_table: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: DSA_dup_DH: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TLSv1_2_client_method: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PKCS12_unpack_authsafes: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CMS_add1_recipient_cert: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_CRL_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_rc2_cbc: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EC_KEY_set_conv_form: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: UI_method_get_opener: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: DSA_verify: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CIPHER_get_name: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: i2d_CMS_bio_stream: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_derive_set_peer: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_use_certificate: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_REQ_CTX_set1_req: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CRYPTO_gcm128_aad: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_write: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CRYPTO_set_locking_callback: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_REQUEST_add_ext: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ASN1_STRING_set: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_s_file: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_write_bio_DSA_PUBKEY: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: NCONF_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_MSG_IMPRINT_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_id: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ERR_print_errors_fp: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_CipherInit_ex: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_do_handshake: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_verify_recover_init: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_set_alpn_protos: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_NAME_hash_old: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_get_verify_result: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_RESP_CTX_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: GENERAL_NAMES_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_REQ_set_cert_req: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: RSA_private_decrypt: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: sk_delete: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_REQ_CTX_http: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_STORE_set_verify_cb: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TXT_DB_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ECDH_compute_key: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PKCS8_encrypt: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_get_current_expansion: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: d2i_ASN1_TYPE: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: NETSCAPE_SPKI_b64_decode: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_STATUS_INFO_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ENGINE_load_private_key: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: a2i_GENERAL_NAME: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_new_file: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ENGINE_get_id: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_s_mem: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_use_serverinfo_file: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_NAME_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: RAND_file_name: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CMS_final: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PKCS7_print_ctx: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_CONF_set_signer_key: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_REVOKED_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_DigestVerifyFinal: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_get_rbio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_CRL_set_issuer_name: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_get_current_compression: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_CONF_set_signer_cert: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CRYPTO_set_mem_debug_options: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_CTX_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: TS_CONF_set_digests: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_set_srp_verify_param_callback: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PEM_write_bio_PUBKEY: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: i2a_ASN1_INTEGER: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CMS_ContentInfo_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_CRL_sign_ctx: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ENGINE_by_id: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_email_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY2PKCS8_broken: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_set1_RSA: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: EVP_PKEY_asn1_get_count: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_set_bio: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_request_onereq_get0: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_ALGOR_get0: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PKCS7_get0_signers: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_CTX_set_alpn_select_cb: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_response_get1_basic: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_print: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CRYPTO_dbg_realloc: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PKCS12_SAFEBAG_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: d2i_OCSP_REQUEST: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: i2d_ECPKParameters: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: SSL_SESSION_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_debug_callback: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: DSA_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_RESPONSE_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CRYPTO_dbg_malloc: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CRYPTO_dbg_get_options: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CRYPTO_dbg_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: i2d_SSL_SESSION: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_CRL_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: d2i_OCSP_RESPONSE: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: DH_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PBE2PARAM_it: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_INFO_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509V3_conf_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: GENERAL_NAMES_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: i2d_OCSP_REQUEST: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: d2i_ECPKParameters: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PKCS7_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: d2i_DSAparams: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PBKDF2PARAM_it: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: NETSCAPE_X509_it: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: i2d_DHxparams: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: d2i_DHparams: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: i2d_DHparams: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: AES_encrypt: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: i2d_OCSP_RESPONSE: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: i2d_DSAparams: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: d2i_SSL_SESSION: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: PBEPARAM_it: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: CRYPTO_dbg_set_options: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: ASN1_OBJECT_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: OCSP_REQUEST_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: X509_EXTENSION_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: DIST_POINT_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: d2i_DHxparams: symbol not found
Error loading shared library No such file or directory (needed by /usr/bin/atsha204cmd)
Error loading shared library No such file or directory (needed by /usr/lib/
Error loading shared library No such file or directory (needed by /usr/lib/
Error loading shared library No such file or directory (needed by /usr/lib/
Error relocating /usr/lib/ SSL_CTX_set_client_CA_list: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ SHA256: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ SSL_get_error: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ o2i_ECPublicKey: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ CRYPTO_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ SSL_write: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set_hostflags: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ SSLv23_client_method: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ SSL_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ EVP_md5: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ SSLv23_server_method: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ EVP_DigestFinal_ex: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ DSA_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ BN_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ EVP_aes_256_cbc: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ SSL_set_fd: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ EVP_sha512: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ EVP_VerifyFinal: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ SSL_CTX_callback_ctrl: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ SSL_CTX_set_verify: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ DSA_SIG_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ EVP_sha1: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set1_host: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ BN_bin2bn: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ RAND_bytes: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ EVP_PKEY_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ EVP_DigestInit: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ SHA512_Update: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ SSL_read: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ EVP_DigestInit_ex: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ ERR_error_string_n: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ SSL_CTX_ctrl: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ EVP_CIPHER_iv_length: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ DSA_SIG_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ SSL_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ BN_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ SSL_set_connect_state: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ SSL_shutdown: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ SSL_get0_param: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ X509_print_ex: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ ERR_clear_error: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ EVP_DigestUpdate: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ SHA384: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ SSL_CTX_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ SSL_set_accept_state: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ EVP_MD_CTX_destroy: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ SSL_get_peer_certificate: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ BIO_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ BIO_ctrl: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ BIO_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ EVP_DecryptInit_ex: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ SSL_ctrl: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ EVP_MD_CTX_init: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ SSL_load_client_CA_file: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ SHA512_Final: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ EVP_EncryptInit_ex: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ RSA_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ EVP_PKEY_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ SSL_set_verify: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ EC_KEY_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ EVP_PKEY_assign: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ X509_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ SHA1: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ EVP_sha384: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ SSL_CTX_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ i2d_DSA_SIG: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ HMAC_Init_ex: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ ERR_get_error: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ SSL_CTX_check_private_key: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ SSL_CTX_get_verify_mode: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ BIO_write: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ EVP_sha256: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ SSL_do_handshake: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ SSL_get_verify_result: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ SSL_get_verify_mode: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ EVP_dss1: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ BIO_s_mem: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ EVP_MD_CTX_create: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ SHA512_Init: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ SHA256: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ HMAC: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/lib/ EVP_sha256: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/atsha204cmd: SHA256_Init: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/atsha204cmd: SHA256_Final: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/atsha204cmd: SHA256_Update: symbol not found
crypto-wrapper: error: Failed to run command 'atsha204cmd serial-number'
ERROR:Reading crypto-wrapper output failed!
line not found
line not found
line not found
runtime: [string "file:////etc/updater/conf.d/turris.lua"]:107: bad argument #1 to 'sub' (string expected, got nil)
INFO:Executing postupdate hook:
Snapshot number 124 created
INFO:Executing postupdate hook: 99_approvals_cleanup
INFO:Executing postupdate hook:

I wonder if the path from 4 to 7 is more nuanced? Or if I should just download a 7.1.3 image and reflash the Omnia from USB? And start from scratch? Is that an option?

Well, given I have the time right now and this is factory clean one I tried a reflash from web, but that failed so then downloaded the medkit and reflashed from USB and am now runnig on 7.1.3. Praise to Turris. Not everything works all the time, but on the whole one top crew and one top router.

I’m configuring it now and am pleased to see the workflow is now in reforis and supports ISP vlans. Oddly the test button just whirs endlessly saying Test is running … but Luci, and ssh and my now writing this over the WAN all confirm the WAN is up and working. It even has IPv6 over DHCP which is new to me. How the world is (slowly) progressing.

I just reloaded the reforis page and clicked the Test button again and it instantly returned with four green ticks. Double plus good!