Password check: "i" shows but no popup

I have the issue that I use random word passwords, created myself or autimatically.

I think TurrisOS has password length limits in multiple places.

When entering it, an “i” is shown but hovering or clicking it, no popup shows up.

I now need to use a password for the WiFi that is too short for me, because I dont yet know what these limits are.

I guess this is a bug?

Hey @torpedo

Entering where?

Are you referring to the Reforis page /reforis/network-settings/wifi in your browser?

What kind of pop-up are you expecting? I never see any pop in Reforis or Luci. They are just the standard password HTML form fields.

Are you using special characters? Or some kind of password-manager browser-plugin?

According to the OpenWrt docs, the Wi-Fi password can be anything between 8 and 63 characters long. Which is exactly what the WiFi standards sets. Any ‘printable’ ASCII character is allowed.

I’m using 7 words diceware passwords with the space character as the delimiter. They are usually between 50 and a little over 60 characters long. Very rarely they are over 63 characters long, which is over the limit set by the Wi-Fi standards.

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yes, when entering the wifi passwords for guest or normal.

they are restricted to 63 characters, entering character 64, an i appears, I think to remember.

Thanks for the explanation, that makes sense!

Also the “apply” (or how its called) button is greyed out.

When an i appears, hovering or clicking over it should display a popup explaining the problem.

I mark this as solved, but when an i appears, this is not part of the password prompt afaik and it should act that way to guide users.

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