Pakon/Suricata 100% on one core will not uninstall


I seem to remember installing the Pakon Forris plugin? a few months back. I cannot remember how or where I found it. Was it a plugin and now part of the pakon package? IDK.

This morning I noticed suricata was working one core at 100%. I don’t really use pakon so I unchecked it thinking it would be removed along with the Suricata and the tab in Forris. Not so. Suricata is still being started by something(pakon-light?)and I still have the Pakon tab in forris. CPU is not being pegged any longer.

I do not have the device detection package nor have I ever installed it. Is something else using suricata and what is pakon-light?

  PID USER      PRI  NI  VIRT   RES   SHR S CPU% MEM%   TIME+  Command
 4224 root       20   0 50036 33228  3688 S  0.7  1.6  0:23.73 /usr/bin/suricata -c /etc/suricata-pakon/suricata.yaml -q 10 --pidfile /var/run/suricata/
 4307 root       20   0 50036 33228  3688 S  0.7  1.6  0:19.55 /usr/bin/suricata -c /etc/suricata-pakon/suricata.yaml -q 10 --pidfile /var/run/suricata/ 
13136 root       20   0  1480  1116   808 R  0.7  0.1  0:01.74 htop
  859 root       20   0   884   516   496 S  0.7  0.0  0:00.42 /sbin/ubusd
 4258 root       20   0 11472  9252  3496 S  0.0  0.4  0:04.08 python /usr/bin/foris-ws -a ubus --host --port 9080 ubus --path /var/run/ubus.sock
 4305 root       20   0 50036 33228  3688 S  0.0  1.6  0:00.88 /usr/bin/suricata -c /etc/suricata-pakon/suricata.yaml -q 10 --pidfile /var/run/suricata/
 3902 root       20   0 13800 12200  3576 S  0.0  0.6  0:06.40 python3 /usr/libexec/pakon-light/

I had a /etc/suricata-pakon/

I rm -rf those folders then tried reinstalling then removing pakon. reboot etc…

Device Turris Omnia - rtrom01
Serial number 5153*******
Turris OS version 3.10.2
Kernel version 4.4.136-695e41116993e0a4f080354e72f13d91-0

If anyone has some insight into this I am all ears.
Thank you