After installing Pakon Package no data are present in CLI od WEB
Is there anything i can check ?
Both suricata and pakon services are running
After installing Pakon Package no data are present in CLI od WEB
Is there anything i can check ?
Both suricata and pakon services are running
What do you have at the top of /etc/config/pakon
also check if service is running.
For example I am using VLANs and I had to change the interfaces names that pakon is monitoring. YMMV.
Yup add .1
to br-lan and restart pakon or your router. You could also add your DMZ interface to monitoring if you wish. Keep in mind that I had to fix it few times after updates as updates sometimes just silently overwrite this config file instead of doing what is default in OpenWRT to just make a copy and add -opkg
Already done, still the same unfortunately
Give it time to actually collect data
I think this will not be a case since i can see in log that suricata is in reboot loop for some reason spamming ‘Failed to parse json data: unexpected end of data’ after adding ‘.1’
What is your final config? Just the monitor section.
Edit: anyway you missunderstood me. Should be something like that:
config monitor 'monitor'
option notify_new_devices 1
list interface 'br-lan.1'
list interface 'br-lan.50'
Notify new devices is up to you. I have it enabled😉
Does pakon service run now?
Check http://routerip/pakon in browser
Or maybe ypu are missing br-guest_turris? I remember the name had hypen and then it changed to underscore at some point. Or the other way around. Verify that
i am not using guest
ho ever some records stated to appear but i see only mac addresses instead of hostname can this be due to using external DHCP server ?
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