OpenVPN clients do not have access to devices on the local network

On Turris Shield (OS version 6.4.1), I set up an OpenVPN server via reForis.

I adjusted everything in reForis like in video “Turris Academy #2: Easy OpenVPN setup on Turris routers” Turris Academy #2: Easy OpenVPN setup on Turris routers - YouTube
The local network IP range is
Turris Shield IP LAN address is and DHCP is enabled.
VPN network address set in default
Route all traffic via VPN is turned on.
Use DNS via VPN is turned on.
I have a public static IP.

I can connect to the server from any client (Windows and Android) without any issues.
I can access the reForis web interface on Turris Shield at the address (or
The internet connection works well. All communication goes through the Turris Shield. My client’s IP address on the internet is the same as my Turris Shield’s on the WAN interface.
So far, everything works.

The problem: I can’t connect to any other devices on the local network (range
Does anyone have any idea what the problem might be?