OpenVPN client notification (connected/disconnected)

This is a revised version of the Turris documentation here , translated into english and with Maxmilian_Picmaus’s up/down scripts.

This example uses the feature create_notification to send a message according to the settings in the Foris administration section of the Maintenance section.

1. in the file /etc/config/openvpn add:

If you are using Foris openVPN plugin, add it to the section
config openvpn 'server_turris

option script_security '2'
option client_connect '/etc/openvpn/'
option client_disconnect '/etc/openvpn/'

2. create a file /etc/openvpn/

message="$(echo -e "${common_name} connected      to: ${HOSTNAME} \\nRemote:  ${untrusted_ip} \\nVirtual: ${ifconfig_pool_remote_ip}")"
/usr/bin/create_notification -s news "${message}"
exit 0

3. create a file /etc/openvpn/

message="$(echo -e "${common_name} disconnected from: ${HOSTNAME} \\nRemote:  ${untrusted_ip} \\nVirtual: ${ifconfig_pool_remote_ip}")"
/usr/bin/create_notification -s news "${message}"
exit 0

4. set the scripts to 0755

chmod 0755 /etc/openvpn/
chmod 0755 /etc/openvpn/

5. Make sure scripts are backed-up

If you want to include these extra scripts in the backups of the router, add /etc/openvpn directory to the /etc/config/backups. Something like:

config generate generate
    list dirs "/etc/openvpn"

6. Restart OpenVPN

/etc/init.d/openvpn restart


I would recommend to replace the “\n\n” with “\\n”.

The difference is visible in the Foris interface, where the “\n\n” is not visualised as a line break.

Both options are working fine for the e-mail notification.

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Thank you … good job! :slight_smile:

Great :slight_smile:

Here is my scripts with different formating , with “echo -e” ,"\n" instead of “\n”

message="$(echo -e "${common_name} connected      to: ${HOSTNAME} \\nRemote:  ${untrusted_ip} \\nVirtual: ${ifconfig_pool_remote_ip}")"
/usr/bin/create_notification -s news "${message}"
message="$(echo -e "${common_name} disconnected from: ${HOSTNAME} \\nRemote:  ${untrusted_ip} \\nVirtual: ${ifconfig_pool_remote_ip}")"
/usr/bin/create_notification -s news "${message}"

I like your your scripts. I’ll include them in the original post and give you credit.


Hi, it looks good. I have some notes here:

  1. "$( echo -e ...)" is useless. You can define multiline variable in shell like this:

    message="${common_name} connected from…
    Remote: …"

  2. chmod 777 OMG :scream: Never set anything to 777 please. (0)755 is all you need

would you update the documentation in the public wiki?

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Happy to update the documentation in the public wiki - what’s the location/URL of the entry on OpenVPN client notification?

The link to public (community) wifi is here.

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Where do the options get added? In my so-far untouched /etc/config/openvpn, I have four config openvpn '<vpn_name>' entries. Three are examples and not enabled, but I can imagine having more than one active one set up.

Do all the options listed above go outside these individual vpn configs at the top or will they need to go inside each individual vpn config that I would want this reporting?

Yes, I meant the one described in the first message of this topic. I can provide the czech translation once the english version would be ready. Thanks.

PS: if you want to include these extra scripts in the backups of the router, add /etc/openvpn directory to the /etc/config/backups. Something like:

config generate generate
    list dirs "/etc/openvpn"

If you are using Foris openVPN plugin, add it to the section

config openvpn 'server_turris

@rguerra you should add this note to the docs as well IMO ;]

I have updated the initial post with the comments shared so far. I’ve also updated the Turris Wiki accordingly.

Please let me know if there’s any additional changes that might improve things. Thanks!


thanks for hint, i did not know that it can be defined like that.


@vojtech.myslivec, do you know which “program” uses this config file? Is it only ssbackups (cloud backups), or also the “save configuration” button in foris? Where is this config file documented? Can I also specify files, not just dirs? Thank you

Both “save configuration” and “ssbackups” use maintain-config-backup CLI tool and this tool reads the /etc/config/backups config.

So both tools use the same config :wink:

Some documentation is in the Cloud backups docs and source code for this tool is in turris-os-packages. As I look in the code, “dirs” stands for “any file”, so it should work well like this:

    list dirs "/etc/whatever/my_file.conf"

Please note the Cloud backups have limited size to 2 MB each.

PS: it would be better to open a new topic next time as this config has nothing in common with “OpenVPN client notification”. thanks


Thank you, your info really helped.

Normally I don’t misuse threads for non-relevant discussions, this one was an exception… If you can, would you move it to a new thread?

It’s ok, no problem. I think it cannot be moved in a simply way.

Hi @rguerra, I am using your scripts on my Omnia and I am very happy with them.

Recently I got an idea to indicate visually when someone is connected over the VPN. This might be useful in case you are about to unplug your Omnia from network/power.

First I wanted to retrieve the information from the /tmp/openvnp-status.log file. Unfortunately, this file is updated every minute and I wanted to visualise the change immediately.

So I went for following solution:

  • Add clients IP to a file in /tmp/ when connected and enable LED usr1
  • Remove clients IP from the file in /tmp/ when disconnecting
  • Disable LED usr1 in case the file in /tmp/ is empty

Following lines will do the job when added to appropriate scripts:

#Add clients IP to the file /tmp/openvpn-connectedclients.log
echo ${ifconfig_pool_remote_ip} >> /tmp/openvpn-connectedclients.log
# Enable usr1 LED
rainbow usr1 enable

# Remove clients IP from the file /tmp/openvpn-connectedclients.log
sed -i "/^${ifconfig_pool_remote_ip}$/d" /tmp/openvpn-connectedclients.log
#Disable the LED usr1 in case the file is empty => no other OpenVPN client is connected
[ -s /tmp/openvpn-connectedclients.log ] || rainbow usr1 disable

I hope that someone might find this useful.


Once I add
option client_connect ‘/etc/openvpn/’
to the openvpn config file, I cannot connect to my VPN, I am getting an AUTH_FAILED error. Anyone knows how to resolve this?