New documentation

Dear Turris users,

we just made public new documentation. The goal is to make it easier to navigate and search and to improve overall user experience. It doesn’t cover everything the current one does, but in general, it is not meant to. The goal is that this documentation will cover the main use cases and stuff that we support and test. It is not complete in this aspect either, but it already contains quite some stuff and some parts of it are even more complete than the current documentation.

Plan for the future is to keep both but separate who do they target. The official documentation will be (the new one) and will cover only basic or hardcore topics, while the old documentation will be available on as a source of information about amazing things you - our users - do with your routers.

Hope you will like the new documentation and if you have some questions/suggestions, let us know in this thread.


Maybe make “First setup” more discoverable by moving it up one level.

Turris Documentation

  • Introduction
  • First setup
  • Basics
  • Advanced
  • Hardware
  • Troubleshooting
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Sounds like a good idea, thanks for the suggestion.

Na straně Sentinel - Turris Documentation
jsou chybné (nefunkční) ve stromu vlevo .


  • LuCI
  • Applications

Odkazy sekce Advanced dole jsou funkční

Nevím, jak jste se tam dostal, ale problém je v tom “/”, ale z kořene do větví se mě vždy vytvoří “/” tzn.:

Nevím proč to lometo vadí, ale podle mého by to mělo být jedno, jestli (s) nebo (bez), mělo by to navést na správný formát.

No … nějak “mi” to kraví … to “špatně” jsou odkazy do Sentinelu v textu ve stránce

Díky za nahlášení. To je zajímavý postřeh. Opravím a znovu to nasadíme.

Page not found.

I suggest renaming the original documentation to community documentation.

The original documentation has two sections – “official” from the Turris team and “community” docs. I guess we might consider the team being a part of the community, but it might be a bit confusing :woman_shrugging:

Thank you for the documentation, it looks good. :smiley:

Found it! Will be fixed as well.

Když už jsme tedy u toho, chci nahlásit chybu jak ve staré, tak i v této nové dokumentaci, je uváděna špatná rychlost v PuTTY (112500) ale má být rychlost 115200:



I think the various MOX config photos as the one on are kind of useless photographed from this side. If it were captured from the other side, the ethernet ports would be visible.

Or, if you wanted to leave it like this, what about playing a bit in gimp and making a half-translucent overlay showing the internals of the routers? :slight_smile:

For internals, we have :wink:

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@RomanHK Thanks for noticing, will be fixed in next redeploy
@viktor That’s the plan in the long run
@vcunat Once we migrate everything from “official part” we will get rid of this distinction and will have just one big wiki where we might also contribute nice hacks that we don’t want to officially support


Redeployed, image for exotic systems fixed as well as several links.

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Stále nalézám chyby:

Při kliknutí na červeně označený odkaz se znova vytvoří stránka bez “lomeno” a odsud již nefungují další odkazy z větví jako je třeba: Basic-Foris-DNS.

aaa, již něco opraveno. Turris Týmu, děkuji…

EDIT1: tak ještě jedno místo (

EDIT2: a již zmýněný Why (

EDIT3: To je neuvěřitelný…, celá větev je špatně:

P.S. Předem se omlouvám za takovéto detaily.

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