Netatalk - uptodate version for Turris?


currently, Turris contains netatalk package version 2.2.4-2, although the upstream OpenWRT has the 3.1 version already (see:

I was looking for some guide or tutorial for compiling a single package but without success. Is there some description how to port a package from OpenWRT to Turris? Or are there some problems or issues preventing Turris from adopting the 3.1. upgrade?



----- original Czech post -----


aktuálně v Turris je netatalk verze 2.2.4-2, zatímco v upstream openwrt už je k dispozici verze 3.1 (viz:

Hledal jsem, ale nenašel, návod na kompilaci jednoho balíku. Je někde popsáno jak zkusit balík portovat? Popř. jsou nějaké problémy, proč netatalk verze 3.1 zatím na Turrisu není?



Actually I am interested as well. I am currently trying to setup network storage for my Mac and it seems that version 3 of netatalk has a lot of advantages.
Have you been successful in building latest version of Netatalk?

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Created issue for it:

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