Nas disks power supply?

I do have turris NAS perk nd i have run out of space. I would like to replace both disks with new wd red plus 8 TB or larger, but i am a bit afraid if the power supply can handle it. What are the disk people are running without issues ? I see the powe supply shiuld be 40 W and the disks can take 4W or 8W each depending on size and speed. I have not found much details in the specifications

I am almost certain that bigger capacity doesnt necessarily mean more power. Discs are pretty standard SATA connection if you have any power at all that is not sourced from old USB port then it should be fine. I wouldnt worry that much. Maybe take a look at datasheet briefly but it should just work in Omnia NAS perk.

Just for the reference, i did succeed in replacing the disks with 2x 8 TB WD Red disks. Seems to be running fine , but i did choose the 5600 rpm variant with lower power consumption to be sure -

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