my name is Manuel, I’m from Germany and new to this forum. I’m currently considering getting an Omnia. To justify the somewhat high price, I’d like to put it to some more uses than just as a router. One use that I have in mind would be as a PVR, probably in combination with the NAS kit.
I’ve seen that tvheadend is available for the Omnia, but as a long time user of mythtv I’ve grown to like it’s scheduling options which seem somewhat more flexible than tvheadend’s when it comes to recurring recordings.
So, would it be feasible to install the mythtv backend on the Omnia? There are no prebuilt packages so I would have to build from source - does Turris OS come with all the relevant tools? Or would I use an LXC container for that task? If so, which OSs are available to install in such a beast?
Would the Omnia be up to the task in principle? People have run mythbackend on a Raspberry Pi 3, so I’d guess the answer is yes, but I’d be interested in the views of people who actually had their hands on an Omnia.
Any other thoughts and insights on this? Thanks in advance for any help!
Thanks for your opinion and the link! Regarding containers: Do these live on the internal flash? 8 GB doesn’t seem very much to host multiple Linux installs.
It lives whereever you want. By default of course you only have the builtin 8GB flash, which is not recommended to be used for placing containers or any other volatile data. But you can attach any usb drive, or transform it into a NAS and mount it, where you store your stuffs. I am planning to turn it into a NAS and going to buy a 8TB HDD for that.
What about installing on Turris OS directly? Doable?
Turris OS is based on OpenWRT (we’re looking to have newest version based on LEDE [OpenWRT]), but I didn’t find any pre-compiled package for OpenWRT.
As @Fenevadkan pointed you can use LXC container and compile it on your own, but you can also try to compile it on OpenWRT.
Good alternative is tvheadend, which I use and it’s also build for OpenWRT and if you miss some feature I can ask developer to add it.
Thanks again to both of you! As mentioned in the first post, I’d probably get the NAS kit as I’ll need a bit of storage anyway to turn it into a PVR. It’s good to know that I can have LXC containers living there.
I’ve looked at tvheadend and it’s definitely a fallback possibility if I don’t get mythtv to work. What I (think I) like better about mythtv are its flexible scheduling mechanisms – I think implementing those in tvheadend would be a fair bit of work, mythtv has been around quite some time. Besides, I still have about a TB of recordings from an older, now retired mythtv instance and I guess it would be far easier to integrate those into a new mythtv installation than otherwise.
Turns out compiling was rather straightforward following these instructions.
I do now have an lxc container based on Debian stretch with an unconfigured installation of mythbackend and mythweb. In case anybody is interested, I’d be happy to share that.