[Maybe a feature] Help needed in writing Makefile for k3s package for Omnia


I recently started to work on k3s (Kubernetes engine) package for Turris Omnia (for now only Omnia) and I am failing to write proper Makefile.

If someone more experienced might taking a look, I would be glad. Thx

Here is repo:

For now ignore README.md and focus on Makefile.

I used official binaries but struggling to make an ipk package.

I was taking inspiration from:
And OpenWRT Docs.

The plan is to host that as additional repo on gh-pages and then build for Mox and Turris1.x as well. And add separate services to server and node so it might be useful if you have more than one device. Then maybe config file not uci globals. Who knows?

@Pepe would you be perhaps kind enough to give some hints?

Here is last raw log:

In general I have no clue what I am doing if something😉

I’ve managed to setup CI/CD building that on each push and that seems to work at least

Its not like the binary itself works without special kernel or smtn.

But just imagine how cool is that to run Kubernetes cluster on your Turris device

I managed to package it:

If someone wants to try it on Omnia feel free but you would need special kernel for it to work

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