I have a couple of “ideas”.
Idea 1: I was wondering, is it also possible to use the LEDS to indicate that the channel interference is too much?
So for example, you are on a certain wifi channel being 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz, after a while you see it is just too noisy, so it is better to change channels. This is a typical situation that many times occurs, but you don’t really check it.
Scan networks, if the networks which are on the same channel are more then x then show color y on LED x.
Idea 2: Does the Omnia already indicate when there is no WAN-connection at all? So if there is no internet connection that it gives you a certain color? So for example put a sort of “ping www.google.com” and if the outcome is oke, give LED x color y if the outcome is 0 then give color z.
Idea 3: I will probably put the auto update on “ask me for installation”. Have a LED blink certain color when a update is pending. Because usually even with us geeks, we do not look on our router very often after a while. So a LED-indication would be nice.
This is for these idea for now, if i come up with more ideas, i’ll share them with you guys.
Additional Idea’s
Idea 4: When somebody is trying to use different passwords to try to connect to your wifi-network. Then after so many attempts which have resulted in to a failure…give color x…or maybe even let ALL the LED blink red or something/send email to you as warning
). I am not sure if this is possible, because you have to count the attempts and log this behavior.
Idea 5: If somebody …anybody is connected to the wifi, give LED x color y.
Idea 6: If protocol x (http/ftp/p2p/voip/etc.) is taking the most bandwith, give color x. So you will see by LED color which protocol is really being dominant
Idea 7: If somebody is connected through VPN/FTP/SAMBA/HTTP/SSH/etc. on the Omnia, give LED x color y.
Additional…additional idea’s.
Idea 8: If somebody connects to wifi, let all LED’s blink color x 3 times.
Idea 9: If a new mac address is being recognized, give for few seconds LED x color y.
Well you know what… i quit!!.. THere are just toooo many ideas. You guys come up with the rest XD.