Latest android update causing my Android TV to not connect to Turris Omnia router

My Android TV 10 auto-updated ( :person_facepalming:) today and now it can’t connect to the WiFi. I searched and one google help article suggests that enabled fast roaming could be the issue. I checked in http:///cgi-bin/luci/admin/network/wireless and fast roaming is disabled. I have disabled management frame protection also and yet my Android TV is unable to connect to the router. It’s able to connect to my iphone’s hotspot which is in turn connected to the router. Any idea how to debug this?

I’d continue disabling features. If you have WPA2/3 mixed mode, go back to WPA2 only.

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Sometimes, it is wise to reset Android to factory settings (no matter if TV or phone) after big update between major versions. But even if it was only some minor update, it can help too.

Thank you for the replies and guidance. After trying enabling/disabling multiple features, I realized that my android TV connects if “Management Frame Protection” is disabled but then my iOS devices are unable to connect. So now I have temporarily disabled the “Management Frame Protection” for 2.4 GHz and for 5 GHz it’s still enabled.

I don’t know how to factory reset because I couldn’t find a way to do factory reset. Also, I wouldn’t want to factory reset and lose all my settings, only to find another update messing up the internet connections.

Then you’ve won :slight_smile: You can create a separate SSID for your TV with MFP off, and keep your normal SSID with MFP on :wink:

There is also Option in between MFP Optional :wink:

This has the same behaviour as MFP enabled - at least with my phones :smiley:

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