Knot policies and ipset

I have TOS 6.0.3 and I’m trying to setup Knot with ipset to forward specific traffic to a Wireguard peer.
I found these 2 entries to guide me:

I have ipset running on port 53000:

root@turris:~# ipset-dns itv4 itv6 53000

Include to /etc/kresd/custom.conf

ITTVService = { '',''}
policy.add(policy.suffix(policy.FLAGS({'NO_CACHE', 'NO_EDNS'}), ITTVService))
policy.add(policy.suffix(policy.STUB({''}), policy.todnames(ITTVService)))

In one console I executed these commands:

/etc/init.d/resolver restart
ipset flush ipv4
ping -c 1
ping -c 1
ping -c 1
ping -4 -c 1

In the ipset, I can only find the IP of the first site.
In another console I have:

tcpdump -i lo dst port 53 or dst port 53000

I can see all the requests to port 53.

19:31:45.572895 IP localhost.56831 > localhost.53: 16563+ A? (24)
19:31:45.573749 IP localhost.58538 > localhost.53000: UDP, length 35
19:32:08.067394 IP localhost.55639 > localhost.53: 51428+ A? (24)
19:32:39.344919 IP localhost.39082 > localhost.53: 39576+ AAAA? (44)
19:32:45.887395 IP localhost.35609 > localhost.53: 12801+ A? (44)

But only on request was forwarded to ipset-dns on port 53000, and the IP added to the ipset.
I am thinking that Knot is still caching some requests and the policy is not processing them properly.

Does anyone have a working ipset-dns instance with knot?

I have all the routing work for IPv4, but I have issues with IPv6.
Is there a way to force Knot to return only A requests for a specify domains?

Your config line with NO_CACHE is buggy. You need to apply .todnames. Perhaps already on the line above, so that you don’t need to repeat it.

Thank you.
I fixed that line, but ultimately removed.
I tried several combination STUB/FORWARD and pattern/suffix:

policy.add(policy.pattern(policy.STUB({‘’}), ‘’))
policy.add(policy.pattern(policy.FORWARD({‘’}), ‘’))’ won’t get forwarded.
‘’ seems to work.

I don’t recommend .pattern. It very often gets misunderstood. Lua patterns are basically unknown and quite different from what people are familiar with (e.g. posix regular expressions).

And .FORWARD probably isn’t suitable for your purpose either, though I haven’t looked into ipset-dns much.

Ipset-dns just a DNS forwarder, that save IP addresses into an ipset.
I was able to configure the “NO_CACHE” correctly.
Every request for “”, get forwarded to port 53000 (verify with tcpdump).

extraTrees = policy.todnames(
policy.add(policy.suffix(policy.FLAGS({'NO_CACHE', 'NO_IPV6','AWAIT_IPV4'}), extraTrees))
policy.add(policy.suffix(policy.STUB({''}), extraTrees))

The other address is never forwarded (even with FORWARD), no packet is sent to port 53000).
Is possible that having CNAME on it, makes it resolve differently?

If I add the Canonical name, it seems to be working (request is forwarded to port 53000), but the returned IP addresses are different.

It can’t discover whether there’s a CNAME or not until it gets back an answer.

Trying to set these flags doesn’t make any sense to me at all, but even with them it seems to work correctly for me and simply proxy both queries.