Keeps asking to install base-files 1517-7.1.0-r20343+128-4e1d1b7df0

Turris Omnia|
reForis version|3.1.0|
Turris OS version|7.1.0|
Turris OS branch|HBL|
Kernel version|5.15.148|

Here recently for reasons I don’ know, it keeps wanting to install;

base-files		1517-7.1.0-r20343+128-4e1d1b7df0

I install it, reboot, then later do a manul Check Upate, it wants to install it again. This has been going on for about a week now.

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The same for MOX HBK 7.1, … repeating for some time, say more than 3x, maybe more . … and maybe even for HBK 7.0.3 :frowning:

Also in 7.1.0 in RC?

Yes, even in RC 7.1:

INFO:Queue reinstall of base-files/core/1517-7.1.0-r20343+128-4e1d1b7df0

Little bit weird :wink:

Hello for me it’s happening since 4th September TOS 7.0.2. It’s usually happening twice a day.
Now I am on 7.1.0 and still happening.

If you need some logs, or something please let me know what I have to do.


Did anyone find out why there ist this message at least
twice a day? Also in TOS 8 which is currently HBL branch

• Reinstalled package base-files from version 1573-8.0.0-r24145+98-db554fd450 to version 1573-8.0.0-r24145+98-db554fd450
