IP v6 failure after reboot of upstream IN router


I’d like to know if there was a similar issue resolved in CZ language:

TO can not connect IPv6 if the upstream (Internet-)router was rebooted.
Prefix delegation and all IPv6 connect for hosts is broken then. Does not come back.
After 1 - 3 reboots of Turris Omnia IPv6 comes back.

I wonder: Is there any solution in CZ language available?

That’s a duplicate of your own issue, right? IPv6: Ask for help: No re-connect to v6

I haven’t seen anything like that discussed in CZ parts of this forum, BTW. (I look at least at titles of all new topics.)

yes, you’re right. I can not judge if the cz and the en forums are strictly divided.
please pardon if I caused trouble.

you may delete the post (or shall I ? )

I made this topic unlisted.

English is the default, and we (cz.nic) try not to mix languages in threads. For most categories there’s a “[CZ]” version, as a significant part of the user base can speak Czech and all Turris devs also; some of the users actually aren’t comfortable with English.

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