Insights from LED rainbow behaviour 6.1.0

Confirming the option, Save & Apply in Luci Rainbow … turns off the LEDs and the LED intensity must be adjusted with the HW button or the rainbow brightness command

Confirmation of the option, Save & Apply in Luci LED Configuration, does not perform the set action in the parameter Link on / not enabled if it is not changed (parameter must be enabled-save and disabled-save again).

The command in the terminal rainbow brightness -p 10 works but setting the LED brightness size in cron with /etc/cron.d/leds control does not work

00 07 * * * /usr/bin/rainbow brightness -p 10
00 08 * * * * /usr/bin/rainbow brightness -p 16
00 09 * * * * /usr/bin/rainbow brightness -p 30
00 16 * * * * /usr/bin/rainbow brightness -p 16
00 17 * * * * /usr/bin/rainbow brightness -p 10
00 18 * * * * /usr/bin/rainbow brightness -p 5

*/3 * * * * root /root/

The instruction called in this file does not work either for check internet connection

The same instruction rainbow brightness in Terminal or Custom Commands responds adequately

My Omnia behaves the same after upgrading to 6.2.