IEEE 802.1Q able

will the Router be IEEE 802.1Q able so i could have differen VLAN on my Swtiches?
have a nice day

Yep. Switch that is in Omnia can set VLANs for ports or even put on port several tagged VLANs at once, so you can use it as trunk going to another VLAN capable switch. All ports on the back are connected to the switch except WAN port and two line from CPU are connected to the switch as well. WAN port is connected directly to CPU. But you can setup VLANs on WAN in software.

Thanks for your Feedback
so thats a good News
will it be possible to to add the WLAN to a own VLAN?
have a nice day

Yes, although might get tricky. Would have to be done via LuCI and some stuff is not that obvious - how to create an interface for VLAN. Trick is to create it as eth[0-2]@VLAN_ID. Than you can bridge those interfaces as much as you want. You can have more ports assigned to WAN or even just pack WAN into VLAN and forward somewhere else without even touching it.

At home I have managed switch that mixes my WAN connection with various LAN ports into one VLAN trunk that goes via one cable to the other side of flat where it is decoupled and OpenWRT router there does NAT for whole flat. So packet from my bedroom goes to managed switch, from there via VLAN trunk to the router, there it gets NATed and goes back to the managed switch over the same cable just in different VLAN and out :slight_smile:

EDIT: Just reread that and realized that you wrote WLAN by which you probably mean WiFi. WiFi should be able to use multiple SSIDs (for every card - you can have multiple 5GHz ones and multiple 2.4GHz ones) and for each of those you get one interface that you can bridge with whatever interface you want. So putting everybody in one SSID into one VLAN and everybody from different SSID into different VLAN should be possible. Not sure whether VLAN trunk on WiFi would work, don’t see a reason why not - just bridge it with the right interface, but haven’t tested it.

thanks a lot, i belive i will have to ask again, as soon i got the router at home :wink:
have a nice day

It sounds tricky, but it is not that hard - you can set it up just by clicking in web UI :smiley:

I have understood that you cannot use VLANs directly with WiFi because WiFi standards don’t support adding VLAN tags to the start of WiFi frames. You can probably use VXLAN if Turris and WiFi client supports it.

Well, as I said, never tried that one, so I stand corrected :slight_smile:

did i get something wrong? i think OP doesn’t want to send tagged frames via WLAN… i think it’s about tagging it on the LAN side

I understand it same way … map VLAN to WLAN - broadcast some VLAN to “air” without tagging it on the WLAN. This should be done “easily”.
I don’t know how about OpenWRT/Turris but on some enterprise devices it’s possible to get also trunk to WLAN and even more advanced stuff.

But the interesting part is what technology/standard they use to do VLAN trunking over WLAN. All solutions I have seen have used “Virtual APs”: different BSSID/SSID for each VLAN. I would not call that VLAN trunking but a hack.

Sorry, our discussion diverted a little bit from the original bridging VLAN-WLAN to VLAN trunking over WLAN.

reading again your Feedback about VLAN.
I mean not to have them Vlan taged on the Turris Omnia but if i come with a Trunk configruation from a Cisco Switch will, Turris Omnia be able to split it and will it be possible to route them too, Routing one the same port

have a nice day

Well I have the setup where I get VLAN Trunk from managed switch (not Cisco) and then I split them and do routing and NATing between some of them. I just have some of the split ones also bridged with some other physical ports and with some WiFi SSID. So I see there no problem as long as port will be the physical one - others suggested that getting VLAN Trunk over WiFi might be tricky.