I hope I did my best here - my farewell

Thnk you you all the support, engagement, knowledge shared and the knowledge you helped build here, @Pepe !


Perfect fit. The positive culture towards open criticism and transparency, nobody taking things personally, caring about the project most and foremost - thatā€™s what constitutes great and efficient teamwork. Reading this, Iā€™m not surprised that Turris has gotten so far, unlike many other tech startups. I hope it continues it smooth and sustained growth.

Thanks for sharing this background story, Pepe, and all the best to you!

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Thank you very much, for your work, the effort, the patience and for communication with us. Wish you the best, godspeed!

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@Pepe , You indeed were THE guy if i went on the forum especially after the first or second year when the first Turris Omnia was shipped to all the backers including me :).

Donā€™t ever lose your enthusiasm in your work doesnā€™t matter which company you get to work at.

Thank you very much for all your help and good luck!!


Best of luck Pepe! Sorry to see you are going. Best wishes in your new adventure! :hugs:


Best of luck @Pepe and thank you for your work!

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Thanks a lot for all your efforts!! It was also great when you came to IRC and #turris came back to life!!

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congrats and good luck with your new projects and challenges!

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Thanks @Pepe for your efforts and dedication. Godspeed!

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@Pepe, it was great to see you change from a critical user to a employee and contributor. I have the IndieGoGo Turris Omnia and although there were some bumps in the road, the last few years it is smooth sailing and it has lots of useful features. Thanks for your hard work on this project and the company.