How to update Turris 1 to the newest firmware without DNS

I have Turris 1 which was not used for very long time.

Turris does not have functional DNS, probably because of error similar to this.

Because of not functional DNS I can’t update from the admin. Is it possible to update the Turris from admin web UI with some pre-downloaded binary as some other routers allow to do?

Have you tried with the latest medkit? Omnia - Turris Documentation


Yes, I did factory reset as mentioned here.

Does Turris 1 support Medkit?

Does Turris 1.0 support medkit?

Ano, právě jsem se ve stejné situaci ocitl. Odešla MicoSD s Turris OS7 na Turris 1.0.
Po resetu, nefungující DNS, chyba certifikátů, nedostupné SSH, takže jen USB propojení přes COM. Takže medkid z nedostupný kvůli DNS, certifikátům a nvím čenu všemu ještě. Dříve jsem to řešil přepsáním repozitářů na IP adresu, ale nyní jsou na serveru přepsané do IP nedostupné. Podle mého by pomohl od týmu Turrisu aktualizovat (návod System and bootloader recovery from microSD card [Turris wiki] ) Protože ten současný je nepoužitelný.

I successfully finished probably what you will need to do - here is the description of such process.

It’s simple process after all - but requires a functional internet connection and serial console connection (fortunately port is physically the microUSB).

I do believe it can be done within an hour or so.

If one does such migration, it’s about time to change the SD card anyway (if the Turris 1.X running from it for quite some time) for the fresh one.