How to route between two networks?

I have two independent networks in my home, and I want to them to be able to “talk together”.

The situation is, this: For a long time I have had a network with a “Technicolor” router provided by the ISP. I have a number of home monitoring devices and a raspberry pi connected to this network. This network uses IP adresses in the net.

I recently got a second internet connection from a different ISP, and I bought the Turris Omnia router for that one. This network uses IP adresses in the net.

Now, my PC (running Ubuntu) is connected to the Turris router and that works fine. But I would like to access the raspberry pi on the other network from my PC while the PC is connected to the Turris router.

I have sketch the situation below:

Current state:

ISP2 ------ Turris --------- PC
ISP1 ------ Technicolor ---- Raspberry

Desired state:

ISP2 ------ Turris --------- PC
ISP1 ------ Technicolor ---- Raspberry

In short: I would like to be able to reach a device on the network (say from a device on the network (say

Is this even possible, and if so, how do I set it up?

Both routers must be configured to use static routes. On Turris, it can be set up in LuCI:

  1. First you need to remove one Ethernet port from the bridge (br-lan) at Network -> Interfaces -> LAN -> Physical settings. Remove the port which you use to interconnect the routers.
  2. Create a new interface (Network -> Interfaces) for the removed port.
  3. Set up an unicast static route at Network -> Static Routes over the newly created interface. The target network will be and the netmask probably

On Technicolor, the procedure will be similar. Please consult the user manual for that router.


Thanks a lot.

This is awesome!

I’ll try it out in the weekend.

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