How to disable SIP ALG in Turris Omnia

Hello guys, do you know how can I enable/disable SIP ALG in Turris Omnia router?
Can’t find it :frowning:


Related: patches/openwrt: disable SIP NAT helper by default in firewall config (!566) · Merge requests · Turris / Turris OS / Turris Build · GitLab

So it means that is not possible to disable it? Or what?

Thanks for making it clear for me. @AreYouLoco

If you look at the changes here used as a workaround you can enable all NAT helpers but SIP helper. By default its set to any. So by default enabled. But this change was not accepted in upstream openwrt. So it means they are aware about problems but the solution/workaround was not satisfactionary enough.

You can set it in LuCi->Network–>Firewall and in advanced settings of your traffic rule/port forward rule. Look for Match helper any.