I am running on TOS 5 HBT for second week and I assembled SDK and toolchain directly from openwrt setting target for powerpc_8540. I am able to compile packages but when trying to install on TOS5 HBT i have to use opkg --nodeps to install it which have very unwanted side consequence that next time pkgupdate will fail reporting that library that is already in my system present is not present.
turris /data/packages # opkg install ./oscam_1.20-11572-1_powerpc_8540.ipk
Installing oscam (1.20-11572-1) to root…
Collected errors:
satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for oscam:
opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package oscam.
turris /data/packages # opkg list-installed | grep libopenssl
libopenssl - 1.1.1g-1.0
libopenssl-conf - 1.1.1g-1.0
turris /data/packages # opkg install ./libopenssl1.1_1.1.1d-2_powerpc_8540.ipk
Installing libopenssl1.1 (1.1.1d-2) to root…
Collected errors:
check_data_file_clashes: Package libopenssl1.1 wants to install file /usr/lib/libcrypto.so.1.1
But that file is already provided by package * libopenssl
check_data_file_clashes: Package libopenssl1.1 wants to install file /usr/lib/libssl.so.1.1
But that file is already provided by package * libopenssl
opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package libopenssl1.1.
turris /data/packages # opkg --nodeps install ./oscam_1.20-11572-1_powerpc_8540.ipk
Installing oscam (1.20-11572-1) to root…
Configuring oscam.
turris /data/packages # /etc/init.d/oscam enable
turris /data/packages # /etc/init.d/oscam start
WARNING: Web interface UTF-8 mode enabled. Carefully read documentation as bugs may arise.
turris /data/packages # opkg install ./pcsensor_1.2.0-1_powerpc_8540.ipk
Installing pcsensor (1.2.0-1) to root…
Installing libusb-1.0-0 (1.0.22-2) to root…
Collected errors:
opkg_download_pkg: Package libusb-1.0-0 is not available from any configured src.
opkg_install_pkg: Failed to download libusb-1.0-0. Perhaps you need to run ‘opkg update’?
opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package pcsensor.
turris /data/packages # opkg list-installed | grep libusb
libusb-1.0 - 1.0.22-2.0
libusb-compat - 0.1.5-2.0
turris /data/packages # opkg install ./libusb-1.0-0_1.0.22-2_powerpc_8540.ipk
Installing libusb-1.0-0 (1.0.22-2) to root…
Collected errors:
check_data_file_clashes: Package libusb-1.0-0 wants to install file /usr/lib/libusb-1.0.so.0
But that file is already provided by package * libusb-1.0
check_data_file_clashes: Package libusb-1.0-0 wants to install file /usr/lib/libusb-1.0.so.0.1.0
But that file is already provided by package * libusb-1.0
opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package libusb-1.0-0.
turris /data/packages # opkg install ./cups_2.1.4-5_powerpc_8540.ipk
Installing cups (2.1.4-5) to root…
Collected errors:
satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for cups:
opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package cups.
turris /data/packages # opkg install ./libcupsppdc_2.1.4-5_powerpc_8540.ipk
Installing libcupsppdc (2.1.4-5) to root…
Installing libstdcpp6 (8.3.0-2) to root…
Collected errors:
opkg_download_pkg: Package libstdcpp6 is not available from any configured src.
opkg_install_pkg: Failed to download libstdcpp6. Perhaps you need to run ‘opkg update’?
opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package libcupsppdc.
turris /data/packages # opkg list-installed | grep libstdcpp
libstdcpp - 7.5.0-2.15
turris /data/packages # opkg install ./libstdcpp6_8.3.0-2_powerpc_8540.ipk
Installing libstdcpp6 (8.3.0-2) to root…
Collected errors:
check_data_file_clashes: Package libstdcpp6 wants to install file /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6
But that file is already provided by package * libstdcpp
opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package libstdcpp6.
turris /data/packages # opkg --nodeps install ./libcupsppdc_2.1.4-5_powerpc_8540.ipk
Installing libcupsppdc (2.1.4-5) to root…
Configuring libcupsppdc.
turris /data/packages # opkg --nodeps install ./cups_2.1.4-5_powerpc_8540.ipk
Installing cups (2.1.4-5) to root…
Configuring cups.
turris /data/packages #
turris /data/packages # opkg install redsocks2_0.60-2_powerpc_8540.ipk
Installing redsocks2 (0.60-2) to root…
Installing libevent2-7 (2.1.11-2) to root…
Collected errors:
opkg_download_pkg: Package libevent2-7 is not available from any configured src.
opkg_install_pkg: Failed to download libevent2-7. Perhaps you need to run ‘opkg update’?
opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package redsocks2.
turris /data/packages # opkg list-installed | grep libevent
libevent2 - 2.1.11-1.0
libevent2-core - 2.1.11-1.0
turris /data/packages # opkg install ./libevent2-7_2.1.11-2_powerpc_8540.ipk
Installing libevent2-7 (2.1.11-2) to root…
Collected errors:
check_data_file_clashes: Package libevent2-7 wants to install file /usr/lib/libevent-2.1.so.7
But that file is already provided by package * libevent2
check_data_file_clashes: Package libevent2-7 wants to install file /usr/lib/libevent-2.1.so.7.0.0
But that file is already provided by package * libevent2
opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package libevent2-7.
turris /data/packages # opkg --nodeps install ./redsocks2_0.60-2_powerpc_8540.ipk
Installing redsocks2 (0.60-2) to root…
Configuring redsocks2.
turris /data/packages #
**Even I made sure to be on 19.07.2 branch of openwrt using
git fetch --tags
git checkout v19.07.2
So I am on the same or more less same version of libraries, the opkg keep complaining that there are no required dependency libraries in the system even they are or slightly differen version so big problem is then when new build of HBT arrive and updater fail - pkgupdate fail like this:**
turris /data/packages # pkgupdate
INFO:Target Turris OS: 5.0.0
line not found
line not found
line not found
line not found
line not found
line not found
inconsistent: Package oscam requires package libusb-1.0-0 that is not available.
turris /data/packages # opkg list-installed | grep libusb
libusb-1.0 - 1.0.22-2.0
libusb-compat - 0.1.5-2.0
So which toolchain (imagebuilder/SDK) should I use for TOS 5 and where is it available as I could not find it for testing branches at https://repo.turris.cz as there are only imagebuilder/SDK for previous version of TOS 3. Or should I cherry pick the exact Makefile version of libraries ?