Hello, I need help to understand how to adjust the advanced part of port forwarding, my ports for the device are properly redirected and open but I would like to limit their access to my two smartphones from access by 4G LTE there are; source mac address where I see my devices but also 2 Mac addresses with next to it my ISP IP address of which one or the last 2 digits are replaced by 254, source ip address same choice as for Mac addresses, source port, Now I wonder if I put the external or internal port of the device I want to join? and the external ip address there I wonder if I select my ip or the ip of my VPN that appears? If someone can explain it to me.
would not recommend doing that - first, are you sure your mobile phone has a reachable IP itself, otherwise is does not work anyway? Be careful many ISPs do provide basic firewalls and NAT. Further what happens if you use Wi-Fi? MACs are part of authentication not transportation layer… - so I would recommend using WireGuard as protection for your access.
In some cases you can add some protection, when you specify IP ranges or regions - but I definitely would advise to use WireGuard…
Hello Vienna yes indeed you are right thank you for the advice, for the moment I am using the VPN in TCP on my Turris router with the protection of the latest firmware version and also No-iP in connection with single sign-on password. So Wire Guard I have a hard time, it seems quite complicated to set up, I’m old and I don’t have a sharp enough mind anymore. I would need a method by copying pasting a good translation in French. Thank you again Vienna cordially have a good day.