How compile Turris OS for MT6000 router

A local ISP recently buried fiber optic cable in my neighborhood and into my house and are providing me with 2.5gb internet access. I LOVE my Turris Omnia but it doesn’t do 2.5gb, so I bought a MT6000 from gl-inet. It is running a modified openwrt.

I am planning on installing stock openwrt but it has occured to me that I may be able to compile Turris OS for the MT6000. The only thing I know of special about the Turris hardware is the cryptographic chip which I think is only used to securely submit firewall logs to Turris.

Has anyone tried Turris OS on other routers? Is there a reason it would not work? Since the hardware lacks the EMMC turris used for the file system I intend to put turris on a USB attached SSD drive formatted with BTRFS.

It seems clear that getting this to work will be a nightmare and take a lot of time. I am hoping someone else has done it and can tell me how or tried and proved it can’t be done.


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I have the same model, but did you try to run the 24.10.0-rc2 version on the mt?

I did install openwrt (24.10) on the mt6000 and it seems to be running fine. What I wanted is a BTRFS root file system with snapshots. like Turris. I am going to see if I can get openwrt to work with a BTRFS root file system.

I appreciate the rollback by button even if the router gets unusable by some change.

Having the interface doesn’t make it able to process 2.5 Gbps of traffic, I’m afraid.

i appreciate some more things, but it lacks some sort of FW /IDS part.
But the hardware is rather nice for the price, so i like the question & idea to run TOS on it :slight_smile: