Home assistant device detection with Omnia

Hi there, I have tried multiple ways of device detection but none of them worked properly. Do you have some working example of device presence detection?

I’m using this package on TurrisOS 3.x, and it’s working flawlessly. The only thing I had to modify was the init script startup order, since the device tracker started too early on my Turris Omnia.

Which modification you did? Can you past here your startup script? Thanks :slight_smile:

I don’t have access to my Omnia right now, but I believe the only chance I did was change the START=50 variable to START=99 or something.
Either that or change the file name from S50something to S99something if init on openwrt works that way.

By looking at the Makefile on the GitHub repository I think that what I did was probably this:


Change START=50 to START=99

Then run:
/etc/init.d/hass-tracker disable
/etc/init.d/hass-tracker enable

And then check that you now have a file in /etc/rc.d/ called S99hass-tracker

Then (re)start the service or reboot the Omnia to check that the service starts upon boot.