I’ve just managed to use Let’s Encrypt on my Turris Omnia without changing any of the configuration files already installed (*). (i.e. I only added new files / settings, and didn’t have to change anything that was already there.)
This doesn’t work if you forward your port 80 to some other device on your network.
You dont have comments enabled on your blog, so I’m posting it here:
root@turris:~# ./.acme.sh/acme.sh --accountemail "$EMAIL" --update-account
[Thu May 23 09:03:44 BST 2019] Account key is not found at: /root/.acme.sh/ca/acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/account.key
In version 5.1.1 it does not work if You have Data Collection -> Minipots installed.
The minipot holds port 80 and has priority.
This should be fixed in 5.1.2
Nice, but after creating the 80-letsencrypt configuration you have to restart lighttpd, before issuing the first certificate.
Then how does acme reapply the firewall rules when renewing the certificate? Does it have an built in script?