Get current FW version and force update

Hi !
Well maybe a stupid question but it is not anyhow obvious from UI. Just plugged the device for the first time.

  1. How to check which version and release date the router is running ? There is version at About page but no release date so I have no idea if it updated or not.

  2. How to check for updates now and run the FW update ? There is a setting for autoupdate but no mention when will it happen and no option to start it now.


Run command “/usr/bin/” from SSH connection or define a new CLI command in Luci and then run it.

  1. Run command “cat /etc/turris-version” or “uname -a” from SSH connection or define a new CLI command in Luci and then run it.

ad_1: i am using this in my /etc/profile to have it as variable and after every logon.

[ -f /etc/openwrt_release ] && source /etc/openwrt_release
[ -f /etc/turris-version ] && echo ":: TurrisOS $( cat /etc/turris-version ) :: ${DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION} :: ${DISTRIB_RELEASE}.${DISTRIB_REVISION} ::"

I am seeing an update failure.


login as: root
root@’s password:

BusyBox v1.23.2 (2016-09-05 13:26:40 CEST) built-in shell (ash)

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root@turris:~# /usr/bin/
inconsistent: More than one candidate with a virtual package ip
uci: Entry not found
uci: Entry not found
uci: Entry not found