Erroneous LXC on internal memory error?

I created two LXC containers on an external drive:

root@turris:/mnt/jetdrive/lxc# ls -al
drwxrwx---    1 root     root            50 Oct 14 21:05 alpine_38/
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          2474 Oct 14 21:21 lxc-monitord.log
drwxrwx---    1 root     root            24 Oct 14 20:15 ubuntu_bionic/

At the moment, I only have one started:


Which is supported by the process list:

But I got a message from the router telling me that both are running on internal flash:

##### Restart is needed ##### The system was updated, but some changes will take effect only after reboot. Please reboot the device. 

The device will be restarted automatically on Tuesday, October 16 at 03:30 AM.

##### Error notifications ##### 
You are running container alpine_38 from internal memory which is not recommended and can severally damage your router! This is not covered by warranty! Please use storage module in Foris to move it somewhere else!

 You are running container ubuntu_bionic from internal memory which is not recommended and can severally damage your router! This is not covered by warranty! Please use storage module in Foris to move it somewhere else! 

Is this correct? How can I verify that there aren’t two more LXC instances running?