Easter vote when Turris OS 5.0 will be in HBT

This vote is just for easter fun and winner(s) obtain real good chocolate (personal handover during next Night with Turris event or similar further public Turris meeting in Prague).

  • 13.4. 2020 (Easter day)
  • 14.4. 2020
  • 15.4. 2020
  • 16.4. 2020
  • 17.4. 2020 (Dangerous Friday)

0 voters

This topic is not intended to ridicule anyone or disparage someone’s work. If will be created section “Humor”, please for moving this topic into them.


Thanks for listening for the feedback from me and other users, viktor. This way it’s much better. I still don’t understand the fun in the poll, but at least it doesn’t enrage me. Good job :wink:

Thank you for feedback. I am appreciate it.

TurrisOS 5.0.0 was released into HBT branch tonight.
I (and my two colleagues) am looking forward to my chocolate, Viktor :slight_smile:


Thanks, @Nones, @Vasek_Dvorak and @paveldvorak5 won! As I promised, chocolate will be handover during next Night with Turris event or similar further public Turris meeting in Prague. If someone is unable to come, they can appoint a representative.