Connection problems omnia Pixel and IOS

Dear community. Some devices just won’t connect to my Omnia router. Notoriously IOS hardware. I have tried changing frequency without results. But now also my new Pixel 6 won’t connect to the network. It says something like control connection and try again. My other devices work without problems. Does anyone have a solution to this problem?

If you’re familiar with command line, ssh in and take a look at the logs.

What encryption do you use? Might give a try to disable connection cheking - see also Support

Thank you for your answers. I tried disabling connection checking without results on the Pixel device. I know how to connect with SSH. What should I look for in the log? I use the default WPA 3 with WPA 2 as fallback for encryption.

Would try to use plain WPA2 or 3 - those fallback rules are sometimes faulty. iPhones must be 7 or newer and iOS 13 or newer, by the way.

Hi, maybe disabling 802.11w will help:

About year ago I had similar problem with SDIO in my MOX. I was adviced by support:

Každopádně se oprava SDIO karty zcela do vydání Turris OS zjevně nedostala. Bude tedy potřeba, abyste nastavil šifrování pouze pomocí WPA 2 (lze nastavit i v reForisu) a povolil starší ryhlosti 802.11b (je třeba nastavit v LuCI v menu “Síť - Bezdrátová síť” a vybral úpravu oné SDIO karty od Marvellu).
Doufáme, že Vám toto nastavení pomůže k používání obou Wi-Fi karet. Zřejmě bude ale třeba ještě restartovat router.

translated by DEEPL:

Anyway, the SDIO card fix apparently didn’t quite make it into the Turris OS release. So you’ll need to set up WPA 2 encryption only (can be set up in reForis) and enable legacy 802.11b speeds (you need to set this in LuCI under “Network - Wireless” and select the modification of that SDIO card from Marvell).

We hope this setup will help you to use both Wi-Fi cards. You will probably still need to reboot your router though.

Hope this may help.

Whenever I have an issue like this, I search for the MAC address of the device to see what shows up. Since you seem to have a few, I’d maybe start with the Pixel 6, since that should be more or less well behaved normally.

I’ve had no trouble with Turris OS 7 with my Pixel 6 and WPA3 on kickstarter Omnia.

With older releases of Turris OS, I had to restrict Apple devices to use 2.4G because they would somehow crash the 5G adapter. Apparently the driver has been improved since then.

If you have enabled MAC-Filter with “Allow listed only”, make sure you turn off your phone’s “randomized MAC” setting and instead choose “Use device MAC”. It’s under “Privacy” in the Wi-Fi settings for each SSID.

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