Connecting Turris Omnia Router to Bridged Modem


I’m having a hard time getting my Turris Router to connect to my Cable Modem (in Bridged mode). I want the Turris Router to control my whole network.

My cable modem is Technicolor TC8715D. I put it into Bridge mode, disable DHCP, WiFi and the Firewall. After doing this I can connect my laptop directly to the modem and access the Internet where my laptop has the External IP of the modem.

However when I connect the Turris Router (WAN) to the Modem (LAN) it won’t grab the IP address. I’ve tried dynamic and static settings. My modem is a cable modem, so there are no PPPOE settings or usernames (that I know of) to use an as option.

What am I missing? I’ve never had this much trouble bridging a modem to a router before.

Thank you in advance.

Have you tried power cycling your router? Mine only wants to connect one mac address to the internet.

Yeah I tried that several times, maybe clone the mac address? What do you use to connect to the modem WAN? DHCP or do you input the static IP info?

Cloning the mac might solve your problem if it is hard coded.
I just have to power cycle my router and then I can just connect a router. Maybe if cloning the mac doesn’t work your ISP has to do something with the firmware of the modem?

Quick note on docsis systems the CMTS keeps book which MACs are allowed for DHCP. Typically rebooting the bridges modem and waiting a few minutes and then booting both the modem and the router often solves similar issues…

I got it working, it was a just a matter of cycling the modem and router in the right order.

Everything is working great with the Turris router controlling my network.

Hi there,

On a DOCSIS/cable system, the cmts will only allow DHCP through a given cable modem for a short period. So reboot the cable modem…

Best Regards