Collectd didn't listen on specified port [RESOLVED]

today I discovered, that my collectd configured on Turris 1.0 (TurrisOS 6.2.3) didn’t listen on specified port, to collect data from other devices on the network. I configured it some time ago to listen on one interface on port 25826 (default) and it worked correctly (from the graphs, I see, that it stopped working in the middle on November last year).

Related configuration in /etc/config/luci_statistics looks like this:

config statistics 'collectd_network'
	option enable '1'

config collectd_network_listen
	option port '25826'
	option host ''

and it is correctly reflected in /tmp/collectd.conf:

LoadPlugin network
<Plugin network>
	Listen "" "25826"

When I enabled logging, I see, that the network plugin were correctly loaded, there is no error:

[2023-02-02 12:02:26] plugin_load: plugin "ping" successfully loaded.
[2023-02-02 12:02:26] plugin_load: plugin "memory" successfully loaded.
[2023-02-02 12:02:26] plugin_load: plugin "uptime" successfully loaded.
[2023-02-02 12:02:26] plugin_load: plugin "cpu" successfully loaded.
[2023-02-02 12:02:26] plugin_load: plugin "rrdtool" successfully loaded.
[2023-02-02 12:02:26] rrdtool plugin: RRASingle = true: creating only AVERAGE RRAs
[2023-02-02 12:02:26] plugin_load: plugin "df" successfully loaded.
[2023-02-02 12:02:26] plugin_load: plugin "disk" successfully loaded.
[2023-02-02 12:02:26] plugin_load: plugin "load" successfully loaded.
[2023-02-02 12:02:26] plugin_load: plugin "interface" successfully loaded.
[2023-02-02 12:02:26] plugin_load: plugin "network" successfully loaded.
[2023-02-02 12:02:26] plugin_load: plugin "sensors" successfully loaded.
[2023-02-02 12:02:26] plugin_load: plugin "iwinfo" successfully loaded.
[2023-02-02 12:02:26] plugin_load: plugin "dns" successfully loaded.
[2023-02-02 12:02:26] Initialization complete, entering read-loop.

Collectd is correctly running and collecting local statistics, but it didn’t listen on the specified port to collect the remote statistics:

root@turris:~# ps aux | grep [c]ollectd
root     11889  0.1  0.2  10296  5960 ?        SNl  12:02   0:00 /usr/sbin/collectd -C /tmp/collectd.conf -f
root@turris:~# netstat -tpln | grep $(pidof collectd)

I’m not able to enable “debug” log level, because it is not enabled at compilation time: Plugin:SysLog - collectd Wiki

Does anyone have collectd configured to listen to remote data collection and is it working for you?

List of installed packages and versions:

# opkg list-installed | grep collectd
collectd - 5.12.0-10
collectd-mod-conntrack - 5.12.0-10
collectd-mod-cpu - 5.12.0-10
collectd-mod-df - 5.12.0-10
collectd-mod-disk - 5.12.0-10
collectd-mod-dns - 5.12.0-10
collectd-mod-exec - 5.12.0-10
collectd-mod-interface - 5.12.0-10
collectd-mod-iptables - 5.12.0-10
collectd-mod-iwinfo - 5.12.0-10
collectd-mod-load - 5.12.0-10
collectd-mod-logfile - 5.12.0-10
collectd-mod-memory - 5.12.0-10
collectd-mod-netlink - 5.12.0-10
collectd-mod-network - 5.12.0-10
collectd-mod-ping - 5.12.0-10
collectd-mod-processes - 5.12.0-10
collectd-mod-protocols - 5.12.0-10
collectd-mod-rrdtool - 5.12.0-10
collectd-mod-sensors - 5.12.0-10
collectd-mod-tcpconns - 5.12.0-10
collectd-mod-thermal - 5.12.0-10
collectd-mod-uptime - 5.12.0-10
collectd-mod-users - 5.12.0-10
collectd-mod-vmem - 5.12.0-10
collectd-mod-wireless - 5.12.0-10

I did one mistake when debugging the issue here which is, that I check tcp ports not udp. The correct command is this (based on collectd Troubleshooting page):

# netstat -lnp | grep collectd
udp        0      0*                           29654/collectd
udp        0      0*                           23503/collectd
raw    98560      0     *               1           29654/collectd
raw     8960      0     *               1           23503/collectd

Finally I moved the original folder with data to backup and let collectd create the file structure again and it looks like it starts work.